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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. It's got nearly 300,000 miles on it and has a knock, and you're worried about how many liters it has? You Dummy.
  2. If I had to describe this thread using a film sequence, I would show a bunch of appliances and cars and Cows falling off of a cliff and smacking into the ground at high speeds.
  3. I checked the car out, went to a 2 hour class, came back and checked it again and... I'm pretty sure that I'd kill someone for that thing. Not you though.
  4. I think I speak for everyone when I say.... DAAAAAAAAMN.
  5. That.... was... a... good.... one?
  6. You REALLY want attention, don't you? If you don't share any interest of the topic being discussed in a thread, then why post? You may be a cool guy or whatever, but you're making yourself look like a huge douchebag in this thread. Buckeye fans are passionate, have always been passionate and will always be passionate, so why can't you get over yourself and let everybody celebrate their love for their favorite football team. Last time I checked, the OSU campus was in Columbus, and this is Columbusracing.com, so I have NO idea where you're finding problems with the logic that produces threads like this. PS; Oh NOEZ!!! CALVIN IS PEEING ON OHIOLOL!!!!1 is it 4 out of the last 5 games or 5 out of the last 6, I can't remember?
  7. Why come in to a thread about Ohio State football just to talk shit if you have no opinion? Why do people feel the need to try and spoil someone else's love for a sports team? Sorry that I was born and raised a buckeye fan, that doesn't mean I "Suck their Cocks," as you so eloquently and cleverly put it. Sounds like someone is jealous... For a touch of Irony: Fuck Michigan! Everybody now: Ohhhhhhhhh I don't give a damn...
  8. 6. No, Kraft cheese is not real cheese, it's a cheese flavored product. REAL cheese, the kind with lots of flavor and variations between names and styles in upasteurized, which you pretty much can't buy in your local grocery store. If you want cheese that will blow your socks off, head down to katzingers deli on S. 3rd riiiiiiiiiiight on the south side of 70. If a tall guy with a buzzed haircut named John (no, not me) is there, he can surely help you find something to fit your needs. If a guy named neil helps you, run away... he's a vegan, so he doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about when it comes to cheese.
  9. I love my new Samsung, but it's a CRT. Just throwing that out there haha...
  10. PS: You're a douchecrackermuncherfacehead.
  11. 4. No way. If something falls out of your vehicle and mercks someone elses and they take you to court, you're definitely paying to have that repaired. I think that Gravel trucks should be required by law to only drive during certain hours that have the least amount of traffic, that shit DESTROYS cars.
  12. So your brand new bike gets stolen and the cops tell you to fuck off and that you aren't important? there should be an option to discontinue paying taxes to that sector if something like that happens to you. "have you been treated like you don't matter?" Check yes. "If yes, would you like to with hold taxes paid to public law inforcement for the next 365 days?" Check yes. Bingo, no money for cops if theres no help for you.
  13. Hahahaha somebody bout to fuck some messicans up.
  14. No. Nothing you do is funny, and the only reason you ever hear laughter after speaking is because people have finally made that "who does that guy remind me of" connection... and it's Jim Carrey's character in Dumb and Dumber.
  15. Shawn looks like a douchebag for sure.
  16. Depending on the price of shots and all that and whether or not my room mate is allergic, i might want one of these. I'll let ya know.
  17. I just threw up all over my keyboard.
  18. You're the kinda guy that if he stumbled into a field of thorns, you'd just keep stumbling blindly along until you bled to death. Thanks for the laugh though, inbred degenerates never cease to amaze me. PS: I could remove half of Eli's brain using only a butterknife and a McDonalds napkin and he'd still be able to outwit you.
  19. Did you guys not go to junior high school or something? Thats where I learned how to spell words with less than five syllables correctly and form complete sentences...
  20. Thanks for using twenty times as many words to say the exact same thing I did less effectively. You're an idiot. Cute kids though.
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