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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. OMG i saw tihs pear of teh bewb tudey n it was like WOWeeWOW WOW!
  2. Alright, probably the friday after Thanksgiving, or maybe next friday.
  3. Crown Sports Lounge, near mah heezy fo reezy.
  4. I got implants... Oh I fink dey like me, I fink dey like mee.....
  5. notice marc didnt say " I do"..... MWAHA!!1
  7. Devils Advocate

    Leg humping

    When all you see is dusty cock in brown and green uniforms for months at a time, even the fattest and loosest vagina looks like jessica alba's legpit.
  8. Berto Shhhhh, we know he passes out after one drink, but we didn't want the whole world to know...
  9. I'll let the homies take this one from here, I lent them my decoder ring anyway. I honestly can't argue with you if you can't spell "inbreed", especially if I JUST spelled it correctly in the post that you were responding to. If you consider "winning" making a total ass out of yourself and having Bucky agree with you, then you "win." Here's your cookie. Dj, if ya want some, make me a seperate battle arena in the kitchen after you come to the bar with jesse and chris and I.
  10. I don't give a what actually made me guffaw.
  11. Devils Advocate

    Leg humping

    I don't know whatcha heard about me, but I'm a muthafuckin P-I-M-P. Great song. I try and make girls as uncomfortable and unwelcome as possible on message boards. They don't belong here.
  12. Now I'm going to invite Rane and Zach and smoke blunts to piss you off. Mwahahahahaha
  13. 10xworse, you and I are going to do that whole Beer thing over winter break. If you're half as funny in person as you are on here, I'm going to shit myself. OMG I SAID BEER TO BE COOOOOOL
  14. If I can get a lurker from 2001 to post about how retarded you are, then I win, hands down. DJ, if the only way you can come at me is through an inbred illiterate, then you are worth less of my time than I thought...
  15. Because you need to buy Scores to get in to OU... Oh wait....
  16. Oh, and I was high when I did it, too.
  17. I scored a 31 overall.... Still way better than Marc.
  18. Go find a pool to clean, you ignorant bastard.
  19. How on earth am I losing to someone who nobody can understand? Thorne, I was referring to BEETS. you typed "unBEETEN in doom"... Jesus, I can't argue with people who have the intelligence level that I did in fourth grade.
  20. I'll speak for the board and say... What? What do two car garages and First person Shooters have to do with this thread? Are you trying to convey that nobody has ever thrown a smallish, conical, sweet, red vegetable at you while playing Doom? If so, then I'm VERY impressed. The hole you're in just keeps getting deeper, Eggbert.
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