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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. "be orginaly" I can't think of my own insults, yet I'm one of the three or so people who can make their way around the kitchen without making themselves look like a fool? Alright, man, believe what you want to. I wouldn't regard your opinion very highly though, seeing as how you have trouble reading anything longer than a sentence or two. If you notice a trend in the insults that people are throwing your way on a daily basis, then maybe, just MAYBE, the insults have some validity. Check into that one, it could change your life. I'm at the library because I stopped here after class to do some schoolwork before I went back to my house. I do own a computer, though. Uhm... Nice try, I guess? If you're content with being an illiterate creepass with a penchant for idiocy, then that's fine by me/anyone else that hates you. Just don't spread it around here, we have enough DOUCHEbags to deal with as it is. Making fun of my vehicle listing being "beer" is neither funny nor "hep." It does make you look like an aging, humorless, pathetic excuse for a pussy, though. Keep it up, you might stumble upon a winner one of these days.
  2. You may all laugh, but those of you that know me know that I have the people/bullshit skills to pull this off. If you ever want any help/some sort of connections let me know, Ben.
  3. Oh, and hey... Is the pity party youre having BYOB, or what?
  4. The fact that you even put "(SP?)" in any of your posts is hysterical. I just made a large number of library patrons angry, thanks alot. When people say "OMFGNOEZ ITS TEH INTERWAB AYE DUNT KARE WHAT I TYP LYK!" it makes me sad. I rarely, if ever, proof read posts before submitting them, unless they are over one or two paragraphs in length. Does that mean that my posts come out jumbled, incoherent, and worthless? No. People can still read EVERY SINGLE ONE of my un-proofread posts, even if most of them are spamming or making fun of creepy jackasses like you. Go fist yourself, BugBoy.
  5. "Ronald Reagan was the Devil, and I hate white people. Peace, I'm out"
  6. Crown Sports lounge the week after thanksgiving. You, jesse, and I.
  7. I'm Crhis' personal assistant. I just got off the phone with him... The answer is: If you don't stop bugging people, you're going to get kicked too. -not factual, but probable-
  8. Your black stang is so fucking hot. I want to offend it sexually.
  9. Jesse, I'm going to poop in your coffee. :wtg:
  10. All I have to do to insult you is quote the shit you say.
  11. You mean no more posts talking about his imprisoned fathers imaginary four second cars? Ohnoez!!!!!
  12. Oh, and... <---- Doesn't need a gun.
  13. Did he say he was going to make me his "E-Bitch?"
  14. Stop PMing me, I don't understand even half of what you're attempting to CONVEY. IT'S SPELLED C-O-N-V-E-Y, YOU IDIOT.
  15. LOllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AWEsome.
  16. VEE HAX WILL NEVAR DI3!!11!!!elebben!111
  17. You don't want none. I might be on tommorrow during the day. Add NoMonkeys and y06i.
  18. This thread is awful. Once you guys get more cerebral than "OMG ur teh uglyest stoopid everrrr", then MAYBE I'll grant you the honor of owning you.
  19. Of course I drive, you illiterate jackass. The Vee-tax might be the most invincible car ever, even with two burnt-out headlights and a severe necessity for an oil change. Oh well, off to class, hopefully by the time I check this again, someone will have posted something worth responding to. Given the communal intelligence of this board, I severely doubt it.
  20. I'll post so someone can take a stab at me. I can't yell at Zach, since I'm going to smoke tobacco with him over winter break. He just doesn't know it yet.
  21. I love 10xworse, go back to being Racist, Ranger Rick.
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