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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Saturday. SatUrday. Sat<b>u</b>rday. HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO SPELL A DAY OF THE WEEK!?
  2. Well, as great as it was having your worthless, unintelligent statistic ass on the board, you're done. Too bad, too. I have nothing against bikers, I rode a CBR for awhile and absolutely love riding more than any other form of motorsport. I just like to use my head and abstain from doing stupid shit, as it's easy enough to die riding normally.
  3. Fred ricart came in to my restaurant (past the time it closed) and stayed there with his family and friends till very late, occassionally ordering food from my station, which caused me to stay much later than normal. At one point, he walks in and asks if I have a cig. I say nope, it's my last one. He offers me FIVE DOLLARS for one cig, and I still say no. I wouldn't piss on that shitbag if he was on fire.
  4. You guys are the biggest faggots ever. You deserve to die if you do an endo on the freeway.
  5. Haha shouldnt be too wierd, best team on the planet. :grin2:
  6. Well hey, Talk to anyone you're stationed with and see if they'd like one, shipping would be cheaper for you guys the more you get.
  7. For someone serving the country? Anything. Maybe we can slip some "Bonus" materials in there as well.
  8. Looks like you keep having problems with people not being satisfied with your product. I guess it's just them, though.
  9. Dan Weaver (12secdsm i believe) knows a ton about DSMs in general, do a search for his real name and PM him, he's the nicest guy on the board.
  10. What Model Are The Subs, Use Your Head And Try Not To Sound Like A Damned Caveman
  11. Jesus lord, you guys really are a lower form of the Human Race.
  12. I was just wondering what material you use to make the seat for that Nutswing, because it looks like it's putting up with all that use pretty well.
  13. Omg Thretz!!!! Cal Teh Policie!!!!!
  14. Ben did NOT push him to that point, he and everyone else were giving him shit for having the reading comprehension and writing skills of a third grader. It may seem like we're childish to you because we're all FRIENDS, so we dick around. Nobody EVER makes threats to others, and if they do, it's in such a ridiculous way that NOBODY but you would take it seriously. Also, Casto admitted to being a CRIMINAL, which is another reason he got banned. Car boards + criminals dont mix. Shut up, he has no place here.
  15. Probably a murder, thats what happened the last time something like that occured.
  16. Yes, he is. He said that in a PM he sent me as well.
  17. Website is not up yet. Like I said, It should be up by Monday. I'm merely getting a head start on letting people know about it. This is not just Mark's business, it is half Mine as well. Mark and I figured that it would be unnecessary for both of us to make a thread about it, and he is covering other forums that he participates in. If you guys have any questions about the business or want to place orders, that's great. If you'd like to offer hosting space for pictures, that would be wonderful. However, please do not bring anything related to Mark not posting here anymore into this thread. He still reads the board (I think?), and if you have a beef with him that does not concern the topic of this thread, please PM him. PS: Ant, what size do you wear? I'm thinking I'll order you a medium, what with all the recent weight loss.
  18. Haha I remember seeing one of the Toyota pickup episodes, they lit it on fire, drove it through some crumbling brick walls, dropped heavy shit on it, drove it through trees, and the only way they stopped it from running was LOSING IT IN THE SEA. They tied it up in like 4 feet of water at low tide, and let high tide roll in. High tide receded, and poof, no truck. Fucking Nuts.
  19. Ricers provide netertainment, though. It would be a thousand times less fun without Knisley, Clark, and I making snide remarks about Folgers exhausts and old guys laying down Harleys, and yall know it.
  20. Hey thorne, shut the fuck up and try reading. I have dibs on this right now, go back to your hole.
  21. A COMMA! A MOTHERFUCKING COMMA, USED SEMI-PROPERLY! Let him stay, I sense potential in this one.
  22. I hate you, and so does everyone else. In your apology post, you did not use ONE PROPER PIECE OF PUNCTUATION. My eyes are now bleeding profusely from trying to comprehend what you just posted. Please go away on your own so that you don't get banned again. Gearhead, Don't defend him. Please. You'll make kittens die and baby jesus cry.
  23. Mark Mitias and I have started a company called Scarlet and Gear. We produce Buckeye wear for all age groups and personalities. We have one T-shirt totally finalized that should be printed some time next week, with three more shirts close to being completed. The first shirt, which I have a picture of if someone wouldn't mind hosting it, is geared towards the upcoming OSU v Texas game on September 10th. The shirt is light gray, and in large scarlet block letters on the front of the shirt, it simply says "Tuck Fexas" (Think "Muck Fichigan"). These shirts will cost 15 dollars, and anyone who would like one should post in here with the number of shirts that you want, along with sizes. Once we get the other shirts finalized, I'll be sure to post the designs and prices here. We have a website, http://www.scarletandgear.com, that should be up and running by Monday at the latest. Thanks for the space, Jon Cliff Notes: New Buckeye Gear business. First T-shirt to be produced is light gray and says "Tuck Fexas" on the front in big scarlet letters. Shirt costs $15.00, and orders (including sizes) should be posted in this thread. http://www.ScarletandGear.com O-H!
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