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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Donated. I wish I could contribute more, but not having a job hurts my bank account.
  2. I'm in for one (red). I'll either get it at the cruise (if you have them by then) or at the next meet you're at.
  3. Primera


    Found it. Not sure if that damage will buff out though.. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/tylerscar.jpg
  4. Great looking dog. Even better looking wife :thumbup:
  5. Search: Keyword(s): workout http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61537 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57012 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57761 Just a few for you.
  6. Primera


    +1 Stop being emo and put the pics back up
  7. There are plenty of threads about this already. Search
  8. Travis Pastrana during the '08 SnoDrift Rally:
  9. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-ferrari-crash12-pg,0,3987500.photogallery Holy fucking shit.
  10. Haha same here. Seemed to clean up the car's idle a bit. That's what I used
  11. Primera


    Yep, it was the lug nut.. fixed it.
  12. I ended up going to Bodega and staying at my girl's place. I'll be out next time I see a thread
  13. I might still come out. I don't think I've met anyone in this thread so just look out for the tall guy in the snuggie. ..alright, no snuggie.
  14. Liquor was the name of the game last night so it took my dislike of wine to a whole new level. I dunno. I don't take what I said back, but I still respect you for sporting a snuggie.
  15. Ok, I'll respect the snuggie ownership but.. You're drinking wine in a snuggie? Get the fuck out of here. I was gonna start a snuggie owner club here but I don't want kids drinking wine in their snuggie. Shit's queer as fuck. Atleast drink liquor when enjoying your snuggie.
  16. I can proudly say I was the owner of one, for one night. I bought it, along with some alcohol last weekend. I wore it the entire night and it got destroyed, sadly. Maybe I'll pick up another one and take it out to Mynt or Sugar. Bitches love them. The only issue would be trying to get in to either place looking like a broke ass wizard.
  17. Put gas in it a few times, changed the oil, cleaned the interior.
  18. No I didn't check that. I actually took the lazy way out last night and swapped the amps around on each sub and tried both out. Now one of the subs is working, at least for right now. If it goes out, I give up.
  19. Well, I do throw mine out the window.. most of the time. But I never throw them out when someone is behind me. Last time I did that, the crazy motherfucker behind put two bullets in my face!
  20. Nice shots! It's just too bad the car is easily the ugliest thing I've ever seen in person. I know it's late to say this but great idea choosing to do the black top on your car, Anthony. Shit's hot
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