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Everything posted by Primera

  1. I'm glad someone appreciates my talent
  2. There's no physical resemblance that I see. But you are wearing your hat backwards in that picture, which doesn't help your case of being compared w/ a douche bag. I'm sure he wears his the same way.
  3. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/rx7.jpg I agree with everyone above me
  4. Primera


    I don't know what it is with women (yes, ALL women - including any girl on here that is going say they've never had "crazy girl" moments) that makes them turn that way but from past experiences, I decided I'm not getting myself in that kind of mess for a while.
  5. Yeah I saw that with the Metallica pack they include two bass pedals. Fucking finally! Anytime I play Battery on expert on RB, my calf is crying right around the point of the solo.
  6. I'd be jealous of your set up if you used it for something more productive than playing WoW
  7. Read it again. He asked to speak to the manager.
  8. I was about to post that. Fucking hilarious!
  9. the Office Nitro Circus (new show on MTV, so far it's the shit) Top Gear The First 48 Man Vs Wild
  10. BTW, I do let it define my relationship to an extent. I'm a 23 yr old guy. It happens. When I get old and my dick slows down, I'll change my opinion.
  11. Gotta keep shit interesting on all spectrums of a relationship, doesn't have to be every day but I'd go w/ #2. It seems that the year mark is the real test if a sex life is going to continue with a girl. Last relationship, it died after around that time. Everything else in the relationship got more stressful (I blame part of it on that) and I broke up w/ her. I'm staying away from letting anything develop into a relationship with girls these days though. My life hasn't been this stress free in years!
  12. You should never have to save up to buy a fixer upper like that. I'm sure just the fact that the kid never decided to worry about putting the windows back on track, that he doesn't keep up on maintenance under the hood. Instead of just rushing to buy a car your friend is trying to drop off on you, look for something else. You can find a lot of cars for $3k that won't be a burden like I see that car being.
  13. Primera


    From my understanding, Fox owns the distributing rights in the US and just finally put it out. It was released in France almost a year ago.
  14. Primera


    Yeah it's a really good movie. After watching the full trailer, I definitely had to see it. Liam Neeson was great in it. It's been available on the internets for a while
  15. Primera


    What is this? Your blog? Go to myspace with this shit. Anyway, as vague of a statement that was, I agree. Fuck relationships. At least the ones I've been in.
  16. I noticed it normally comes from the kids who got bashed when they first joined a year or two ago.
  17. Pearl Jam - Love, Reign O' Me (The Who cover) Perfect song for them to cover. Vedder's scream in the chorus gives me goosebumps
  18. It's alright. I think when I got tricked by that shit, I was your age And the volume was cranked (of course)
  19. You're doing it wrong. That and on the headline of that page, it says "The Exorcist Scary Maze Game".
  20. http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee24/MaxVest/backpedal.jpg
  21. I spoke to Ed Potokar recently and he mentioned something about how they were having to possibly start downsizing. Shit sucks. I'm still working on a settlement from an injury I sustained at Liebert about two years ago, so it was awkward running into him.
  22. That shit was terrible! This song owns me because, ever since the first time I heard it, it's been stuck in my head every day for the past two months: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGbbgT9E50k
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