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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Posts posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. i hate doing it like that. i have been here for 8 years with 500ish quailty posts. i dont post unless i have something to say, or see something i want to respond to. nothing against ben/ohioriders, i just dont have anything to post about over there, i have tried. i understand why there are rules in place, no issue.



  2. /thread jack


    when is the nexus one coming for verizon? im tired of seeing "spring 2010", i want a date. also are we going to be able to buy this in a retail store, or online only? and if i get one, who here can help me use the thing...i pay in beer.




    CPD will be out as soon as they can, we will see, when that is.


    i would say next month. might want to call back and tell the dispatcher you "think" the guy that did it is coming back with a gun...that will speed up your report.





    i heart cpd



  4. Just curious who this is supposed to scare???????


    not intended to "scare" anyone. it isnt a horror movie and nobody on this forum is 8 years old, so...yeah not really trying to scare anyone. i felt like it fit where i posted it. btw i dont really care about the whole linn vs gearhead e-battle but i know this forum loves to go 30 pages with this stuff so we can just call that my little addition to the thread.



  5. my parents are in need of a new tv setup...the room/basement is about 20x10. i am really on the fence about what to do for them. It looks like the screen for the projector will be 8x5. now days you can get a 50-55in. lcd/plasma for the same cost of a projector/screen. i know projectors need new bulbs every couple 1k hours, however...that could be years for my folks.


    what would you guys do with a room that size? Projector or big lcd/plasma. this is all on a cost friendly budget, however best bang for the buck too.


    Thanks in advance,


  6. Of all of these providers mentioned, who has not only the highest scores in the region, but the highest JD Power scores IN THE COUNTRY for customer satisfaction for television, phone, and internet (3 seperate awards).




    Time Warner - nope. Insight - hell no. U-verse - LOL.


    Price isn't everything. Competitive price, good service, good customer service...total package.


    joe-are there deals to be had with keeping wow? if so who do i need to call? i dont need them to match the insight deal...however $130 for cable and internet is a kick in the dick.




  7. tried to dry hump me to switch to their service.


    I never give these door-to-door sales guys the 30 seconds it takes to tell them NO! However this guy pimping Insight Cable/Road Runner internet service just got me thinking. Anyone have Insight/road runner, you happy? They can save me close to $45 per month for more channels, faster internets blah blah blah, price promised for a year, only 5 increase next year. So do i make the switch, and or call WOW and have them start working some magic? with wow's latest price increase it isnt nearly as affordable as it was. this guy's job is to sell me insight service. can someone sell me why i should keep what i have?


    $130 with wow, $85 for insight?


    Nitrousbird-what do i do?



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