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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Posts posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. Watch out for money market accounts that have "limited access". Most are set-up with a 3-5 withdrawl per month, unlimited deposits. If you think you need more than 3-5 withdrawls, watch out for the fees.


    There are some high interest CD's out now days too. so if you don't need access to the money for 6-12 months, check those out.


    ex. I will use Ohio Savings Bank, because they advertise in the Dispatch everyday about the "great" CD rates they offer.

    Ohio Savings 12 month CD (min. $1000) annual percent 5.5% rate 5.355%

    Most Money Markets are at about 4-4.25%



  2. they are selling for 5900-6900 across the board, depending on crashes/mileage. the season is over, so it is a bad time to get good money out of a good bike. sit on it until march/april and then ask 7k out of it.


    my .02



  3. Where do you work, what do you do, and do you make good money? Better yet, how did you land the job you are in? anyone hiring?


    Here is my story, after high school i had a opportunity to make very good money, for an 18 year old kid. I chose to work hard at a job, instead of working hard at school. Now I am kicking the crap out of myself, and I really regret not going to school. I still make good money, but I hate going to work everyday, I am burned out more and more as the days go on. I am trying to find a new career, but nobody, will pay me my current wage let alone cover insurance. I am never fun to be around at work or at home, that really bothers me. I have to find a way to change jobs so I can better myself, yet it seems out of reach. thanks for hearing my rant, off to search monster.com.



  4. i know that working out has turned into a common cr topic. Does anyone have any running tips? i am not look for long distance, just a mile or two. right now i fell great physically but i am out of shape. after about 3/4 of a mile i am completly winded and struggling for breath. help?

    thanks in advance,


  5. I did not read the parkave thread

    You can not Race on parkave, its not safe

    BMW is a BB w/spray talk is it should go 8-50s


    it has been so long since i have had to translate...let me see if i can get this right.


    there was a parkave thread that chris didn't read.

    parkave is a area where for some reason racing isn't safe.

    there is a bmw running around with a big block on nitrous that runs 8.5-8.59 in the 1/4 mile.


    how did i do???



  6. Oh, also forgot to mention that its only a 4 year loan on the car. I have half of the first year already paid, so theres only about 3 1/2 yrs left on the loan.


    so the payoff is 10500? sorry i am not trying to muck up your post, just wondering how much the car is? have you called huntington and asked for a current payoff quote? just an idea.

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