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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Posts posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. Does anyone have the website or phone number for the delaware msf class? Or any important info, dates, cost, gear, etc... I heard this is the one to go to, because they don't fill up as fast. I really want to take this class before i start riding in the spring.



  2. What is everyone planning on doing this year for New Years? I think I am officially getting old, and chances are I will be in bed before 10pm. I just figured I would find out what everyone else was planning!



  3. Hey guys I set up my paypal account about a year ago, and have never had the need to use it. I purchased something off ebay, and the seller forgot to tell me they only take paypal! Last time I transferred money to my paypal account from my checking account, and transferred it from my paypal account to the person I was sending it to. This took almost 10 days total.

    Here is my question...can I just click on the "Send money" tab, and have it taken out of my checking account automatically? Thus skipping the transfer from my checking to paypal.




  4. With all this home theater/audio talk going on, and Christmas coming, it got me thinking. I need to try and find a good dvd player for our family room. The only real catch is, I need it to play both burnt cd's and burnt dvd's. Any suggestions? What is everyone else buying?



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