Well, if almost running into Dyno Brians car at Jeg's wasn't enough... Dude in an 03 Cobra decides to follow the big group when everyone was leaving 5th. He was last in line, and at least 10 cars left, so a lot of people missed out.
There's a big curb sitting there which makes you turn right onto 5th from the Gas station, or if you go on the other side of it you can make a left. Mr. "blind as a bat" himself decides to drive right over it, at about 10mph. It threw the car up in the air, and you could hear just about everything underneath scraping. When he landed clear of it, you could hear the air rushing out of his tire from about 40 yards away. He jumped out of the car to see what he ran over, and looked surprised as hell that there was something there.
So everyone knows that the smartest thing to do when you blow out your tire is to keep driving on it, right? Instead of just pulling back into the gas station to change his flat, he drives on down the road till he was out of site from the gas station, I think someone said he pulled over. I guess he's lucky he didn't crack the oil pan or something.