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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. OH NOES!!!! People are still pirating winblows? I am very disapointed in all of you.
  2. Shoot to kill works for me. Just fence off new orleans and turn it into a live fire training area for the military. Seiously, welfare pisses me off. I hate giving up my hard earned cash so someone else can not work, and spend all thier time figuring out ways to get more.
  3. http://www.myspace.com/lustalbert
  4. At least the leaf blower made a sucsesfull lap around 270 under its own power Toro Powa!!! :woowoo:
  5. u wrench it? It shouldnt be to much difrent than one from, say, a 1976-1990 chebby caprice classic. Might be some minor modification nescecarry, like re drilling a hole on the mount, but as much that caried over between body styles and years, it should be close. If all else fails, year one?
  6. Dell called, wanted thier computer cases back?
  7. Lustalbert


    anyone taking bets on how big the riots will be this year?
  8. watching that made my back hurt.
  9. Good worksmanship, but not a fan of the bronze. Makes it look like there is a shit ton of brake dust on your wheels.
  10. OPEC has got to be creaming themselves over this.
  11. Lustalbert


    you know the rest. oh and go Nothern Ilinois also.
  12. got about 2 lbs of boost out of it, wich prety much made up for the power loss of spining the altertnator and running the inverter.
  13. wow, finally going to be some aid coming back across the ocean. BTW, anyone heard anything from france on this one? Didnt think so.....
  14. Not as bad as one would think. 20 in that tank is alot better than a h2 or any other large suv can ever hope for. Also I am driving a car that gets 30+ right now, and bike to work if it isnt shitty out. The gas guzzling is for play time. Btw, what suv do you drive?
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