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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Getting the surfboard rack and wood grain panneling options?
  2. im sure oil companies dont mind. Feel free to hoarde away. I am going to be pissed when gas gets more expensive than beer. those will be some sad days.
  3. Alot of sisters that need the Lust touch.
  4. They know, they asked me when i was getting insurance, I told them.
  5. Lustalbert

    OU Made #2

  6. http://www.demonbaby.com/blog/2005/08/curiosities-from-japans-porno-shops.html I read this and couldnt stop laughing.
  7. Its a game http://gorillamask.net/catchashit.shtml
  8. http://www.bandbuilder.com/hefty_fine_itunes/ nws just in case.
  9. dublin soccer moms in thier suvs.
  10. damn man. Glad it wasnt worse.
  11. biodiesel festiva? going to go investigate now.
  12. You have full coverage. Not so much that the insurance companies dont like your car, its that thives do.
  13. I take it you are off today?
  14. I wonder what sterns opening statement on satelite will be. Something along the lines of "the fcc blows goats"
  15. Damn, I was hoping that they would do something diffrent and play music in the morning. Oh, and for the record, I will be getting satelite radio once howard crosses over.
  16. But how are the bitches? Bars are worthless without some good scenery.
  17. And I thought you where going to say you where celebrating hanukkah this year.
  18. That verges on priceless.
  19. rx-7s can roll downhill prety quick once you take the jackstands out from under them.
  20. A past suspension isnt hurting my insurance any. got 2 tickets and a suspension in the last 3 years.
  21. http://www.usaa.com love it, got 2 cars, 300k liability each, pay about 50 a month. Btw, 216th En Bn, Chilicothe, and I am curently assigned to beightler armory.
  22. I can hear the wing makers and body kit producers in heat already.
  23. probably not. Sadly mommy and daddy gave them a card to use at the gas station, so they will and think nothing of it.
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