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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. Now where will all the worthless posts come from? j/k man, gona have room for some visitors throughout the year?
  2. time to make a blower drive like mad max had so you can run the cheaper shit.
  3. leaf blower is old news. http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/Toroturbo.jpg my old pontiac http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/ghettoturbo.mov
  4. got one from a 200r4 and will have the one from a th 400/350 old diesel leme know
  5. Filled up at the meijer up at lewis center for 2.59, went to wally world for some jars to can some tomates, drove by the meijer 10 minutes later and it was 3.09. WWhat the fuck is this shit about. gues the buick and the plymouth will stay garaged for a while now.
  6. WOOOT!!! now I can resume post whoring
  7. and its only gona get worse. Might hafto get the shitstiva fixed up now.
  8. E-85? Info please. Otherwise, gas prices are sucking my ass.
  9. yeah, that is phreaky! now im going to have nightmares or some shit.
  10. I may be wrong, but wasnt the pule jet the jet that was used by germany on the "buzz bombs"? Named buzz bombs because of the buzzing made by the rapid pulseing of the jet motor. http://www.airtoi.com/pulse.htm http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/gokart.htm http://conceptengine.tripod.com/conceptengine/id2.html http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/
  11. Damn, didnt figure someone would actually make one.
  12. I told her to let it drain before she went on stage.
  13. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! 10 secs left.
  14. why would you even think to search for that? Thats like typing in "100+ year old vagina" and pressing search.
  15. : marc : should now be that one.
  16. Shit yeah. Love old places like that.
  17. Car thives deserve to have thier nuts removed using the same tools that they use on our cars.
  18. 11.8 = fun cant wait for the pics and vids.
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