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El Karacho1647545492

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Posts posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Be Grant:


    Talk shit for half a decade perpetually working on project car. Throw a shit-fit that someone "won't race you" during the off season. Personally attack them, follow them in person, on the internet and bother them on their phone. Be confused why they don't rub your belly over your car being done.


    Sorry to make you wait to sell your car if this is what you "need" for a clean break. Let's be honest: My suspenseful 60 months > your couple. booohooo. Sell your car or run backwards through a field of dicks.nobody.cares.whatyado. This is all in your head, your mentally stuck on this. I'm not 18 and IDGAF. If I did lose to you, what would happen? Lose my job? Become handicapped? My car blows up? See a blip of laughs on CR that your misery mobile bested me on its nankang midwest seasons? Nah, the worst thing is being in proximity of you, Clarence.


    Grow up, smarten up, you noodle-necked jagaloon. As long as we have a third party to coordinate our location/time and we meet on the road rolling, I'll give you your limp wrist roll race. I don't want to text you, speak on the phone or see your poo flavored Clarence self. I'd rather stick my junk in bindnis weeds. Fackin gross.



  2. not sure what AT&T is gonna do, I am locked in (in writing) 1000mB/s for $70 for life....


    They may have to provide a 1000mB connection, but with Net Neutrality repealed they will be under no obligation to actually serve you the websites you want at that speed. Sure, AT&T has a deal with DirecTV, so you'll be able to stream NFL games to your PS4 via Sunday Ticket over a gig connection, but if you want to watch NASCAR chase for the cup, too fucking bad because that's being streamed on NBC, which is owned by Comcast, a direct competitor of AT&T, so they're gonna discriminate against that data and you'll have to buy a separate NASCAR streaming access package to speed up those streams.

  3. I like the idea / clean looks of the Proclip but just configured a couple and looks like it's about $75 out the door for both the base and phone holder ( both basic versions )


    Anybody know if they send out coupon deals or anything periodically? Be worth it to wait if they do something like that and could get 20% off or something since I'm gonna get two setups for two vehicles at same time....I signed up for the mailing list...


    They send out 10-20% codes all the time.

  4. Oh, the sky is falling...... ugh.

    Name ONE thing the government created controls, that has done better than it was before......and did not do better once they got out....


    This is a great thing. You can re-read this a year from now.


    How bout the interstate highway system?


    Or railroad gauge standardization?


    Net neutrality rules are NOT the government regulating the internet. They are the government regulating ISPs, and making sure that they don't unfairly benefit themselves with undue hardship to citizens. ISPs already enjoy an cartel-like grip on their market so the idea of a "free" market doesn't apply.

  5. Was it a samsung?


    No, 16 year old Whirlpool.


    I was also able to take the fucker apart and tested the control board, which passed all my tests. I discovered the breaker box in the house we're renting (rent LOL) had unlabeled switches and when they trip, they remain nearly flush with the active switches.


    After lots of swearing and wondering why the dryer switch was properly labelled on circuits 1+3 and the washer was unlabeled on circuit 26, I got it to power back on and found the control board working entirely as intended. I ran a test wash, it started the cycle ok, so I then let it run. Came back downstairs to a tripped switch and a full washer. Took it apart, drained it, disassembled the pump which seemed to rotate fine and had no clogs. Reassembled, reset switch, sat and watched and finally saw the motor hum upon the start of the spin cycle and trip the switch.


    Conclusion = motor is shot. $150-200 replacement part. If someone wants to haul this fucker away, it's free. I'll be bringing the new washer home tonight and hopefully getting this old one into the garage for curb dumping by next Wednesday.

  6. OK, so I'm just kind of thinking out loud here, so bear with me.


    I remember the thread on here with the CPD officer that used to write a bunch of front plate tickets, and he was a huge dickbag about it. Then he got busted for kid porn or something (karma LOL). But I never really heard about anyone else writing front plate tickets. Sure it might give the Staties or Westerville or whoever a reason to pull you over, but it didn't seem like it was being enforced too strict by anyone.


    Back in 2006ish I got pulled over in Hilliard and given a warning for no front plate, and a couple years later my buddy got pulled over in the small town of Attica (we were on our way to Cedar Point) and written a ticket. Nothing since then. I've had numerous Camaros with no front plate on any of them. I had a job as a field supervisor driving 200 miles a day around central Ohio, with no front plate on my S10, and never once got pulled over. We never put a front plate on my wife's Equinox and we drive that thing everywhere.


    I know lots of folks that put a front plate on their Corvette or whatever because they don't want to be hassled. So have I just been lucky, or have we reached the point that the police really don't give a shit anymore since they expect front plates to be phased out soon? I keep hearing that front plates are going away, but I've been hearing that for a decade now.


    Stewart Miller. I know the attorney who defended him, he's a damn good lawyer who takes a lot of shitty cases.


    Anyways, I didn't have time to read this whole thread but I've driven my entire life with no front plate and here's my experiences & observations.


    Parking downtown: They'll nail you if they don't see a front plate, but they WILL IGNORE YOU if you just put your plate on your dash. I keep my front plate wedged between the console and driver's seat. I am meter parked downtown at least once a week if not more, have not gotten a ticket in 5+ years, and have watched meter maids skip my car.


    CFP/OSHP: Haven't had a negative interaction with them regarding front plates since 2014. In 2014 I was pulled over and ticketed near the Lodi outlets by an OSHP trooper. This occurred memorial day weekend and I was surprised when a sheepish officer came back to my car with the ticket (8mph over) and stated "sorry pal, I saw no front plate and assumed you were out of state, but we've gotta write up everyone we pull over this weekend." By far one of the weirdest admissions I've heard, but I took it to heart; if you're gonna drive with no front plate on a holiday/heavy enforcement weekend, do your best to blend in. They're out ticketing people they know won't come fight it.


    Local PD: Some use it to get their jollies, but that's like any local PD. Last time I had a truly negative experience was driving with my dad in 2007 in his E39 that he'd bought via Euro Delivery and had his legit D plate on the front. Gahanna PD pulled us over a 5am as we left town for the F1GP in Indy and lectured us about how we were not, in fact, in Germany, and the front plate requirement is there for our safety.

  7. Just like the title says, I need a washing machine as the control board on mine probably just went out. What ya got?


    UPDATE: this is now a free washing machine giveaway thread. Copied from below:


    No, 16 year old Whirlpool.


    I was also able to take the fucker apart and tested the control board, which passed all my tests. I discovered the breaker box in the house we're renting (rent LOL) had unlabeled switches and when they trip, they remain nearly flush with the active switches.


    After lots of swearing and wondering why the dryer switch was properly labelled on circuits 1+3 and the washer was unlabeled on circuit 26, I got it to power back on and found the control board working entirely as intended. I ran a test wash, it started the cycle ok, so I then let it run. Came back downstairs to a tripped switch and a full washer. Took it apart, drained it, disassembled the pump which seemed to rotate fine and had no clogs. Reassembled, reset switch, sat and watched and finally saw the motor hum upon the start of the spin cycle and trip the switch.


    Conclusion = motor is shot. $150-200 replacement part. If someone wants to haul this fucker away, it's free. I'll be bringing the new washer home tonight and hopefully getting this old one into the garage for curb dumping by next Wednesday.

  8. My fiancée's coworker is a flat earther. She has admitted she knows she's insane for believing it BUT SHE CAN'T FIND PROOF THAT IT'S WRONG. I've tried to help her think critically about it. I've tried appealing to logic, and to emotion. I've tried, and I just think that for some people, the more you try the more they believe. It's not insanity, it's just an inability to apply the scientific method to...anything.
  9. So I heard if he moves the team he has to find a viable replacement to go into the facility, or dismantle the facility, his cost. Land is owned by Ohio historical society and terms are in the lease.


    I thought it was that he had to pay out the remainder of the lease at something paltry like $75k/yr until 2023.

  10. 2 failed USL teams and one playing at a stadium at COTA in 2019 when the Crew are also coming to town. Seems like Precourt is taking the team on a Fail Bus trip.


    They keep citing how Cbus is near the bottom in all metrics but you know who has worse metrics? Dallas FC. I realize Dallas and Austin are completely different geographically and culturally, but if a city twice the size of Cbus is doing worse than Cbus in metrics, what makes them think that already-failing Austin will do better? It's sorta crazy IMO.

  11. It needs to be both addressed from both a rehabilitative and criminal standpoint. People who go to jail, relapse. People who go to rehab, relapse. What needs to happen is the courts need to mandate that the individual move at least 500 miles away from their previous environment. What happens is people successfully complete rehab, and then are dropped back into the same environment in which they left. Same friends doing the same shit, and there's your relapse. Make these people move across the country after rehab and start fresh.


    I highlighted the start fresh aspect because it's important. The most valuable thing towards creating a positive way forward for these individuals and their surroundings is to make sure they can get a job that sustains them. Job prospects for criminals and addicts are hard to come by, but it's one of the most positive mental reinforcements for good behavior. Like you said, get them away from the environment and give them the opportunity to create a better environment, not just a different location of the same shit.

  12. It's not just lack of education. Plenty of educated people get wrapped up in pills and it leads to H. I'm from CT, the wealthier areas are just as hard hit by the epidemic as the poor areas, the only difference is that when you're rich you don't encounter the same risks and police encounters as poor people do.


    To me the issue is how we deal with it. Putting people in prison for years just teaches them ways to not get caught. If we're going to provide people with 3 hots and a cot, might as well do it in a rehabilitative/treatment environment rather than a punitive one. Help decrease the demand through treatment and the supply will become less profitable, and since profit is the only reason it's here, the supply will then dwindle.


    Plenty of people get hooked on legitimate use. A friend of mine played college football and vicodin was handed out to players like aspirin. When he got addicted to that and the supply ran dry, his body chemistry got in the way of "just get past it." He was a fiend and a friend with an H connection was his way out. Once you have that first taste, the rest of your existence is pretty much geared towards getting back to that feeling of not caring, of not hurting.

  13. Will. 614Streets.


    Man, I'll never forget that guy.


    OHHHH shit I forgot about him.


    He helped me work on my car when I was young and wet behind the ears and thought I was a little billy badass. Totally blew my mind when I found out about his stormfront posting since he was such a level dude to me.

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