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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Just think, if Obama were McCains age, this wouldn't be a problem; Black's weren't issued birth certificates back then.
  2. Maybe they hang out by the sea to mask the smell.
  3. YES! YES! YES! WHERE IS THAT GUY!? I want to vote for him!
  4. So how do I block some ones posts from appearing? Some are so stupid that they hurt, and I have no motivation to correct them. Brandon, if you're trying to pass something off as good info, at least clip out the insults that betray the whole thing as a partisan smear. You posted no reputable sources. Secondly, how does $1500 = $150,000? $1500 nothing for a suit, especially if you're going up in front of millions of people, asking for the biggest job in the land. I spent $900 on a custom tailored Hickey Freeman for a single interview, and it was only a 40K/yr job. I ended up getting a second interview with the GM, and the job. He could have spend much more. Who pays his Salary? He he earns it, in much the same way many Republican politicians get most of their money: He wrote some drivel that people like to read, and he's cashing in on royalties. GonneVille, good post, but a correction: Some trust fund starlet will probably pay more than retail price for a genuine Palin "game worn jersey". Also, the Palin family holds over a million dollars in assets, I think she can buy clothes. It has also been found that she failed to report $17,000 in income on her 2007 taxes. Oops.
  5. Ha! "Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me."
  6. ahhah! Anyone remember the Sesame Street songs: "One of these thing is not like the other things..." On point, this charge has no legal teeth, Hillary didn't even run with it, and she's shameless.
  7. I am a public servant, I just don't get paid.... quite the opposite, akshully.
  8. Having let the thread grow to your conclusion right thar, essentially. The point is that you will never win an argument of guilt-by-association, because everyone has associated with some one who's actions can be painted however your opposition likes. Barry knows some one who bombed some fed buildings with some friends when they got pissed. Palin hangs with people who hate the USA, and is loved by those who bomb clinics and shoot doctors. McCain knowingly funneled cash to guerrillas, who executed, kidnapped, tortured, raped, robbed, and burned alive innocent civilians.
  9. We need a real LOLz: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9411R800&show_article=1 Story behind the story: She "can't explain why she invented the story" because the black eye came from her boyfreind, and she conjured this story to explain it. I keeed I keeed. Smile That is classic, right there.
  10. Rule 36 is BS and rarely invoked. It is a direct contradiction to the 5th amendment, and will never hold up to appeal. I would refuse address it out of pride: Some jackass Hillary'ofile cooks up an accusation and you're supposed to take him seriously? I wouldn't dignify it with a response. If and when the Fed gets involved, it will be addressed.
  11. Did you make this shit up or do you actually have a source for this? You do realize that Obama has not accepted public funding for his campaign, right? Lastly: No, the top tier does not cover 70% of the taxes in this country. You brought up the "data", you are obligated to support the "data" and post a source.
  12. Good point, but the ELF hasn't stepped in to say anything about anyone. No doubt that they realize that any money, public endorsement, or involvment from them will end up being poison to Obama. They seem to be laying low. How many people have they killed? Lastly, the Obama campaign doesn't really need to track his contributions, there are people who do that for them.
  13. Odly enough, not really, no. Everyone's heard about Ayers et al, but thos associations occured long before the presidential bid and longafter the terrorist organization wents, effectively, tits up. There are only a few organizations left that can be charged with domestic terrorism, they're operating now and they're working hard to get some one elected.
  14. Back on topic, going off of the above definition, are any of the epresidential or vice presidential candidates being endorsed and supported by terrorists or terrorist organizations?
  15. Scott, you don't need guns, explosives, or even a mask to inspire terror.
  16. Bombing buildings, employing snipers, using the threat of death to keep people from doing what you don't want them to do.... that's terrorism, right?
  17. Politics as usual... meaning, you'll no longer be hiring qualified people to work for you? Said no to lobbyists, but yes to campaign donors. Keep it classy, Sarah. Bonus boner highlight: At least W started with a good Cabinet.... before they all resigned because he wouldn't listen to them.
  18. See post on reading comprehension. I'm not referring to people who use HR block, the study covered people illegally misrepresenting income.
  19. It's not eerily similar, it's predictably similar. This is what happens when you focus soley on growth and not on maintanence.
  20. So we should fight crime by pandering to criminals? Isn't that akin to negotiating with terrorists? Changing tax rates won't alter the cheating rates in any way, shape, or form. They're not cheating because they're overburdened, they're cheating because they can. A guy whos cheating rate is 20% isn't going to care about 3%, he'll keep cheating. Secondly, McCain isn't lowering rich peoples taxes, he's maintaining the drop initiated by Bush, effectively changing nothing.
  21. Worst spin attempt ever. My point: He'll be a victim of his own tax laws, and it's not slowing him down. Asertions that he's "takin' our money", aren't accurate, ashe's offering up his own as well. Your point: "We need a federal criminal in office!"...?
  22. I'm not faulting John, I'm faulting you guys for trying to make a point of this. The Obamas give away a larger percent of their net worth than th McCains, allot more. So your point is invalidated. You also missed the point where they paid out their $1.4 million in taxes, clearly having no problem with "paying their dues". While in the office of president, he'll still be in the same income bracket because of book sales, and he'll be forking over the tax cash per his tax code. Your point is duly (and dually) invaidated.
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