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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hv1DjVy5mILXxtTdeKIS-_ow912AD9GN5AU00 Cliff notes: The water in Lake St Mary's is probably toxic and unsafe. Too much farm run-off, too much Algea.
  2. Many thanks for all the infoz! It's good to have a good contact list for anything that comes up.
  3. Got her number? I find a full course load very attractive.
  4. -Puncture resistent -Cheaper than Aluminum -having weight below the water line gives it stability. It'll also "tumble home" if tipped... provided it doesn't take to much water. . . . It also sinks faster, is pig slow, and it's as cold as the ocean inside. It was a common building material before Fiberglass.
  5. Everybody in this situation is fucking pathetic.
  6. Link Look through the pics, forward, bakward, left and right.... it surrounded by other peoples property and his own house, and it's too long to be turned. How the hell do you get it out? http://i.ebayimg.com/17/!BuM!kZgBmk~$(KGrHqYH-EYEvsh4EjJSBL+Tskhwng~~_12.JPG
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_fsa_pvm_ban New and creative reasons for gas prices to be raised.
  8. Noisier than a regular fan and only 20 times the cost? What's not to love?
  9. Noted, that's the kind of street cred I was looking for. lol
  10. IIRC Mead shut down. Anyone out there with experience doing motor swaps in these things?
  11. http://gawker.com/5575665/david-after-dentists-family-made-150000-off-their-viral-video I wonder what the taxes are like on that.
  12. I was actually referring directly to Trickle-Down, it's what got us in this mess.
  13. I would guess yes. I'm fuzzy on the issue, but you pretty much need to inform them if you're going to be airbourne at all, though there may be exemptions if you maintain/avoid certain altitudes. This is neat, and a great peice of tech that opens the door for more to do it better... however, any place that I'd want to fly myself, I'd do just as well in a seaplane. http://www.carbonfibergear.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/icon-a5.jpg
  14. Yes we did, people just didn't care. Border hopping for work is a 70 year old issue. Yes we did, but it wasn't a "problem" then. There were many perks and even "incentives" put in place back in the 80s that made for a huge boom in outsourcing. The focus was put soley on shareholder interests. Laying off Americans and sending their jobs overseas drove up profits, and that's what mattered to the Reaganites. It will create wal-buiding jobs. It will creat thousands of Wall-police jobs. You are right, btw. People only care about this because the economy is in the shitter.
  15. I really hate to support the "organic movement", but the organic grown crap doesn't keep well, so it tends to come from more local farms. Of course, location is not garauntee that it's not been fondled by an Illegal, they go where the work is.... usually packed in shipping containers. While the United States embraces Palinish anti-intellectualism, dumbs down textbooks so Texans can read them, and debates creationism as historical fact, China is spending billions on becoming the leading scientific powerhouse in the world.
  16. The cartels are better funded than their military. They *used to* have the power to fix things, but a couple decades of coruption let the cartels gain too much strength, and these days they pretty much run the mexican side of the border.
  17. Why does that remind me of 2nd graders playing with guns?
  18. Pitty party for criminals? Not exactly, because I don't see them as hard-core criminals. They're breaking the law, and I understand why. The USA is the best country on Earth, Mexico is a boarderline Failed State, and nothng but a fence and a desert separates the two. Tell me you wouldn't do what you could to get here. I also have a hard time picturing you feeling pitty or sorrow for anyone, Scott. They're called Food Stamps, and there's already a black market in place that turns your food stamps into crack-buying dollars. It's a good idea, it's just not new.
  19. Because this is the United State Of America, a country founded by immigrants, for immigrants. The Statue says so: I'm amazed at how many "die hard patriotic Americans" have absolutely no concept of what the country was founded on or why/how their pale skinned ancestors got here. What an embrassment.
  20. Sometimes you run into some one who isn't just bitching because he's on a "side". Independants do exists, and we tend to argue for aspects from both sides because we realize that both side have points AND flaws. There should be no D and no R, only the U, S, and A.
  21. Look at how good they've got it. Life sure is easy for the ol' boarder-jumpers.
  22. Well first of all, it doesn't piss me off because that isn't true. They don't just show up and "do as they please". The only thing that pisses me off about illegals is the fact that some of them *some how* get public aid, welfare, and other chunks of our tax money. I'm pissed at the agencies that dole that out, what they hell kind of check are they doing? We don't have people from all over coming in, we have people who can afford it coming in. The USA used to be the land of opportunity, but that's not the case anymore. In order to get in here, you need to have things going for you already. You need to be educated, have a job, and have a fair bit of disposable income (5 figures) set aside for filing fees and other BS. Nevermind the expense of having to visit your embassy for almost every step of the proccess, which is a cross-country trip for many. If it was that way when your ancestors came here, they'd probably have never been alowed off the boat. Kick'm allout, and give them a legal avenue to come in that doesn't involve 3 years worth of their annual income. Hey that sounds like a workers visa.
  23. This is the cocky sense of entitlement mentioned above... no offense. You have two groups of people separated by 150 years, doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons, and the only difference is paperwork. This is all easy for you to say because your ancestors (like mine) got in while the git'n was good. They just saved up half a years wages for the trip here, bring as many family members as they could afford, then they showed up at Ellis with some money, passed a physical, made up some BS about how they already had a job here, and ta-dah there's 80% of Americas ancestors. If they could time-travel forward and see what you're saying, they'd kick you in the balls. Do you have any idea what it costs to become a citizen? It's impossible for anyone in the working class to do it, and it's impossible to make a living in shithole northern Mexico. So there's two options: -Invade Mexico and straighten the place out... at huge expense. -Make a huge impenatrable barrier, at huge expense. -Worker visas for specific forms of labor, and we tax their income and pay down the defficit a bit.
  24. I miss denim shirts Never played a bitchin chainsaw solo?
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