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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Nice...if you want your pubes stripped off with a preasure washer.
  2. I like to poke your green eggs with my ham...sam I am.
  3. I know at least a dozen who contribute more to American society then you. "Immigrant" is in the dictionary, look it up. Plenty of naturalized citizens are Immigrants. You're a cracker, don't piss on your ancestors by attacking "immigrants" so vauguely.
  4. eh? I'm quite serious. http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=29861
  5. Totaly shithole, agreed. Here's a big warning sign: http://www.hockinghills.com/plymouthrock/plymouthrock-cabins-bed-bottom.jpg You dont need a mosquito net in a place that seals up properly. So knowing that, there's one thing you can't realy bitch about: Ladybugs get inside of everything, everywhere, every fall. I grew up with a lot of freinds who lived out in the country, same problem, they come in in the fall. Fuckin place should have been cleaned, but they're going to get in, period. Why anyone would spend $145/night to stay down there is beyond me. If you're just going to see the big hitters, a day trip is all you need. I can see everything on the map ina 9am to 6pm day. I've been downt here 6 times int he last 2 years and manage to find something new almost every time. Get out more. Theres a pair of 100-150 foot high waterfalls in the Climbing area, the west one isn't hard to get to via the horse trail: http://www.summitpost.org/images/original/112505.jpg The east on is hard to get to from below, but by the high trail its easy. The veiw aint so great from up there, though. http://img289.imageshack.us/img289/7950/fallsqs5.jpg Btw, you didn happen to see a parade of 6 cars tooling about down there yesterday, did you? No idea who that could have been. I hear a Subaru club lost a car to a tree a week or two ago.
  6. fuckin sad http://www.dispatch.com/news-story.php?story=221104
  7. Great episode. She's hotter in the show, mit explosives. But I digress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkWYhfLnttc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVFFKTAwQ2I
  8. Rolla told me, had to find it: http://www.fhmus.com/articles-1276.asp
  9. That was kinda pathetic. Fun, sure. But yelling into the camera like you're Gods gift to Badass cuz you shot some guns with an unbuttoned shirt...c'mon. I'm not saying you jerk off alot, I'd just hate to be a pillow in your house. On a side note, Texas aint a bad place to live.
  10. "and the merchandising would have been shoved down our throats like a dirty sock in a rape victim." great line
  11. I'm talking more about checking it, not carrying it on. I want to bring back way too much to carry it on. Yes Jesse, Fat Tire.
  12. Simple: Taking a trip, wanna bring back some local bottled stuff. What do I do? Pack it carefully and check it?
  13. Umm yeah...both of them. Russia does border NK, but only for about 3 ft. Nothing is going to happen with that, and Russia cant afford to loose any trade what so ever.
  14. This is what I'm presented with: As something of a trade for the Cougar. I want a rally/winter car. I need it to run long and hard (thats how I like it, after all). What is there to worry about?
  15. Hmmm, I realy want this car, its exactly what I want to replace my cougar with, but the Interesting 5.0 car I'm selling is worth quite a bit more. Deal for car and cash in trade for my car? http://www.nasaforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=11204
  16. I've heard of places that carry 3-4-5 inch+ pipe, but can't rememebr who. Anyone know? I dont need much, just maybe 3 90deg bends and some straight sections of 4", or close to it.
  17. yes. Straight line plane, probably fast but nose heavy, wouldn't want one. There are better ways of getting that power.
  18. fucking nutjobs doing this on the deck in 250mph hardskined ultralights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpyhKgWf47o&mode=related&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEWbK-mX8Gg&mode=related&search=
  19. Jesus just told you God didn't exsist, what better source do you need?
  20. And plenty of beat ones for 20k+
  21. wonder if I could make any money on that board............
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