Clubs seem to need to be cycled like communism (who's initial idea was constant revolution).
Chrome was a great visual aid for that. If you're lucky, you start off with a great environment, and bring in loads of your target crowd, the "hip people". But that attracts the "everyone else crowd". Eventualy the nasty, belligerant "everyone else crowd" drives the hip folk off to the next hip thing. This doesn't make things hopeless though. It jusdt means you plan it differently.
Have you considered a re'name and a rennovation every couple of years? Also, ditto on the music, ghetto ass music draws ghetto ass people. I dont club anymore, but I did for a couple years after highschool, I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed though.
Have you done anything in there to open the place up a bit? I remember Chrome was a bit tight.
I can also put you in touch with a DJ. He's been a freind of mine for 24 years....yet I've never heard his work,. tongue.gif If you want to sample some of his stuff, lemme know.
Best of luck, I'll spread the word to those who I know would be into it.