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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. They got about a shot-glass worth of "material" out of this dude back. This one wasn't so bad, not after seeing the record one from asia: Filled a bucket.
  2. clarkson hilarity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpcOQ7HaB98&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1eKT3KnqBk&feature=related
  3. Whoever that chick was, she's got a spot reserved in heaven for that shit. They hurt, they stink, and you have no idea how great a relief it can be to be cut. That guy let his go for way way too long. You can get them at inception with an exacto blade, much less epic.
  4. Not a MAF sensor, a MAP sensor. Some call them "mousetraps". It was an electronic variation of of Bosch's ol mechanical Jetronic fuel injection air metering. http://www.familycar.com/store/images/prodimage/thumbs/WORLDPAC/W01331750721FIC.JPG maybe, i dunno
  5. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=65063 Cheap too. You also don't have to feel like a hippy, cuz there's mercury in thos cells.
  6. I wonder how much they have in common with the Focus: http://www.focussport.com/turbocharger.htm
  7. It distorts her body lines, distracts us from her form... or lack there of. Her belly looks like she swallowed a stuffed animal whole.
  8. they need to get them on TV, then. I saw no official news release, just saw one on the lot. They need to quit keeping it a secret.
  9. Saw one at Jim Keim this weekend.... I like them. Like the mini cooper of vans.
  10. the annoyance vs attractiveness ratio is too great. She is not hot.
  11. Yes. No. It was a great premise with a fascinating back-story and environment... and they complete phoned in the ending, it was horrible.
  12. Yes, and there's a crap in the natural world that similarly produces a focused shockwave with an ovesized mutant claw.
  13. Brilliant! http://www.mcall.com/news/nationworld/kplr-jefferson-county-sign-073009,0,5542097.story
  14. ... so that those of us with just a bit of fre time can read it. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2009/jul/30/e-mail-analysis-health-bill-needs-check-/
  15. http://weinterrupt.com/2009/07/vortex-cannon-versus-houses-of-straw-sticks-and-bricks/ he gets too excited about his shacks, though.
  16. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/comixed-barack-obama-trouble.jpg?w=400&h=2203
  17. lol thanks Derek! I'm stuck in Subaru world, where almost everything gets re-used on almost everything, even tire OD.
  18. I got these on 15's as a winter set of wheels. In driving on them in snow, ice, rocks, mud, dirt, and gravel... as well as highway and dry commuting, I've realized they are an awesome all-use tire, and i'm just going to toss a set on my 16's and get these out of the garage.. Tires are in great shape, used through this past winter and on one trip to Colorado. Unless you get up close, you'd never know they were used, they wear much better than I'd have expected. $390 gets you a $400 set of tires and a $100 set of wheels, though I'll nock $25 of that if you can buy them this weekend.... in Ohio. I do not want to ship these. Better pics to come, this is the only one I have on this computer: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/4193/tiresx.jpg
  19. I've got the Lima Superpower Steam Locomotives catalog with it in there, printed in '47... yes it was built in '41, they were milking it. My grandfather worked in the tooling shop at Lima, and a few uncles had jobs throughout the plant.
  20. Owosso Michigan. It came out for the Steam Fest; 8 steamers, 2 were big Berkshires and one was the Daylight. 4449 should be in transit back out to Portland now.
  21. They obviously don't have the capacity to immediately count the change, capitalize on it.
  22. That was my thought. I'd leave 10 cents out of every roll, that's a 10% discount. When we won the 24 Hrs of Lemons on 07, we were paid $1500 in nickels. One of the team took them to the bank, in the banks very own sealed bag, and they would not accept them. He began feeding them into the lobbies change-counting machine, and they called the po, cuz he was "disorderly".
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