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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Yes and I want some one I know to judge me, not a stranger.
  2. Not looking for special pricing, I already spent $15 on the damn film. lol Just looking for some place that I'm sure will handle my stuff well. I've got a roll of Sensia, I'll be wanting slides and a CD, and I'll likely be wanting enlagements from it (if my pics don't suck). Getting these shots cost me a good bit of time and money, I want to be sure they come out right.
  3. he got stuck in a web while I was on vacation, and has been there all week... I may take him to work for an uber close up shot.
  4. Speed doesn't kill, speed humps: http://z.about.com/d/geography/1/0/i/G/speedhumps.JPG Mistakes kill, speed makes them kill faster. Take away the mistakes and you'll have some one who can drive fast, yet knows what "too fast to be safe" is.
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090619/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_iran_election Ahhh thats better.
  6. Fan'ship has nothing to do with it. He's been racing since he was a lad, but he has never spent very long in one place. He does not have gobs of experience where he raced yet he still wins. Then you have guys like Rubens and Jarno who have experience and had some measure of talent and never quite turned it into anything. If you want to use the experience argument, use some one older. http://www.motorsport-design.com/Images/Hans%20Stuck%20ABSS.jpg
  7. , no synthesized sound or powered instruments. . . . . Ok, the mic and recording stuff is electric.
  8. Idiots kill themselves by whatever means they have available, don't ride with them. You just contradicted yourself.
  9. Spot-the'hell-on So I wont need to worry about venom in the spikes if I squish it? Gotta keep it away from my clothes. lol
  10. It was probably develpoed by hippies, so chances of it knowing anything beyond trees is slim.
  11. No kidding. I thought it was just an odd bug with some color on membrane-type wings (think fancy flying ant). I had no idea it was spiked with hairy wings until I saw the blown up picture. It was on the ceiling, I couldn't make out those details.
  12. http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3314/buggff.jpg
  13. Look who's discovered photoshop: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/6/17/743478/-Ahmadinejad-Rally-Photoshopped-to-Appear-Larger
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Molasses_Disaster Bout 35mph
  15. May just take you on that, will have to clear it with the fam first.... or should I stick to the plan of doubling the first offer and haggling down? lol
  16. http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/4291/whiskey.jpg
  17. Well, hmmm.... take his first offer and double it, that'll be my asking price. lol Selling as a newb in a collectors market is like learning to swim from sharks.
  18. Much older than mine, yet also empty. This does supposedly get better with age, right? Many thanks. If possible, I'd like to know where he would go if he had one.... not so much what he's willing to give me for mine. lol
  19. http://occident.blogspot.com/2009/06/confirmed-montazeri-questions-election.html Opposing "a purge, arresting intellectuals, political opponents and Scientifics."? What's next, the Pope blessing Abortion clinics?
  20. I've got a 42 year old Bottle of Sam Clay Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey, 100 Proof, still seal with its federal bond sticker (made Fall of 1967). The bottle, label, cap, Bond seal, all in museum-quality condition. Where can I find out what this is worth? I don't do whiskey, so it would be wasted on my palate. I'm thiniking it should go to some one who appreciates this sort of thing.... and is willing to pay for it.
  21. There is no way to win in any way by stepping in now. All anyone is going to do is make things worse.
  22. http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2009/06/an-ayatollah-dissents.html Cliffnotes: WAARRAGRBLE!?
  23. ... the Ayatollah? http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2009/06/15/iran_supreme_leader_orders_vote_fraud_probe/ We're off the map here, people.
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