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Everything posted by Gergwheel1647545492

  1. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&rlz=1T4GGIH_enUS224US225&q=2+McWherter+Dr.,+Delaware,+OH+43015&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&resnum=1&ct=title
  2. Thanks Jones, looks like i'm gonnabe getting some Pyle's. w00t w00t
  3. BBY?? Edit: I see that means Best Buy i am guessing. So does anyone work there tat wants to hook me up?
  4. Hey I need 2 pairs of 6 1/2" cheap coax speakers, the ones in my car are blown and I just wanna replace them all while im doing it. Let me know if you have anything, doesn't need to be great, but not stock shit either.
  5. This happened to a friend of mine once, he gave a chick a ride home from NA one time, while he was waiting on another friend to get out of a meeting. She said that she would give him $5 or a BJ. he took the money and ran
  6. Top gear is the best car TV show EVER! Oh and that new GTR is the shit, that thing is just amazing.
  7. When i was using alot of it, i bought it at walmart, but that was partially because it was open later hours. Maybe try a carquest and see if they are any cheaper.
  8. Needs more boobies.... Seems like a much better idea than the foam
  9. Hahahahahahahhaha Best Video Of Te Year!!!
  10. I want to make babies with your car..... That shit is HOT!
  11. you shut your dirty whore mouth
  12. Yea that makes me sad as i love bud light, but i might have to start drinking miller now cause of this
  13. Thanks anthony I will stop by there tomorrow on my lunch, never thought of trying them.
  14. I need a barbed fitting that goes from 5/8" to 3/8" any kind of metal will do, just need it to be 1 piece, no room for a bunch of conversions. Anyone know where I could get such a thing? I have tried NAPA, Auto Zone, Worley's and the hardware exchange. HELP!!
  15. http://www.politopics.com/uploaded_images/jesusphone-701566.bmp
  16. http://www.upgradetravelbetter.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/plane-on-treadmill.jpg
  17. and you're going to give me $1300? I don't think I could put something as pretty as my turbo on something as ugly as your car. Just wouldn't be right
  18. Rehab - Bartender http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_0pw-LeloU&feature=related Liam Finn - Better To Be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIa8YOABRD0
  19. +1, although there is a giant gapping hole where my turbo used to sit
  20. That is really old though Ben.... I expect better
  21. +1 that is the first thing that came mind
  22. v6 single turbo crew > twins crew f-body crew - Check factory boost - check columbus crew - soccers for fags
  23. God damn nitrous backfires http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/productImages/8/1/00000117781-FirstAlertFE3A40FireExtinguisher-large.jpeg
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