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Everything posted by Gergwheel1647545492

  1. remove the fucking picture of slimer!! that shits annoying as hell oh and happy bday mang
  2. i only listen to music at work and with my mp3 player while running, and i only listen to it through shitty earbud speaker things. So yea i can't tell the difference. Now if you had a decent stereo system then I could see why you would want the better alternative.
  3. Yea i can deal with "the shitty MP3" my ears can't tell the difference
  4. its a free DL through the browser of your choice.
  5. I use one on my car, it just isn't electric, it is powered by exhaust. they do add a little power increase.....
  6. LIAR!! I know the CO-owner..... Tell Jess Greg says Hi.
  7. Ok, they pretty much just do re-decking and building new. So they probably couldn't help ya.
  8. http://www.archadeck.com/ I have 2 buddies that work there. They are VERY good at what they do. By "Refinished" do you mean like sanded down and stained? or you mean like pull up all the boards and replace them?
  9. I almost blew my car up in 1 pass.... what do i win?
  10. wtf kind of random shit has this thread turned into! it's 2:30 before race day and I can't sleep
  11. yes qsl at 7, then to jegs, and we will leave jegs at 7:45
  12. got any pics? even a generic pic of what they looked like new would work
  13. Why didn't the mom lock the door when she left?
  14. I'd be down for this, just let me know when and where.
  15. BIG ASS PRY BAR, and lube, and a valve stem remover
  16. what's the big deal? she has a banana in her pocket. hot chicks can't eat bananas now?
  17. I think that is worse than rain..... geesh
  18. they arent leaving jegs till 7:45
  19. Meet at QS&L at 7 am and we will depart from there at 7:15 and head for Jegs, hopefully arriving there around 7:30
  20. Let me know what time you guys are meeting and I will be there
  21. I might come to QSL, although i think it is faster for me to just take 37 out of delaware, but if you guys are gonna meet at QSL then i will go that way and meet ya there.
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