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Everything posted by Drakk0r1647545492

  1. Last bump, then it goes to storage at the end of the month.
  2. I'm not really interested in trades. And yes, its fuel injected.
  3. Still for sale. I'd consider a reasonable offer.
  4. Lowered my price. The reason I'm selling is I'm being deployed this winter. I don't NEED to get rid of it, but I also dont want to have to store it and have it sit for over a year while I'm gone.
  5. For Sale 2002 Honda CBR 954RR 15,0xx miles Never been down All stock except scotts steering dampener (not included) and frame sliders Maintained by a professional aircraft mechanic using only honda products Located in Hilliard, Ohio Asking $5900 firm http://i33.tinypic.com/108ifj9.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/20h56vs.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/2eyjmo3.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/1zz3ma8.jpg
  6. Prostar 5604 Pentium 4 3.0GHz w/HT - 800MHz FSB Intel Chipset (not SiS) 1024MB DDR400 Dual Channel RAM 128MB ATI Radeon Mobility 9700 Pro 1600x1200 UXGA Ultra-wide Angle 15" display 60 GB HD Linksys Wireless G Adapter 4 USB 2.0 connections at the rear Excellent gaming laptop with no problems. Its been my main gaming platform until just recently. Plays games like HalfLife 2, Doom 3, Quake 4, BattleField 2, Splinter Cell, and Company of Hero's at medium settigns, Oblivion at lower settings. When I say it plays them, I mean its playable, it doesnt just barely run them. Asking $800 firm Actual pics comming soon, but here's a generic one for now. http://pro-star.com/showcase/show5604-open.jpg
  7. I've been considering selling mine lately. Prostar 5604 Pentium 4 3.0GHz w/HT - 800MHz FSB Intel Chipset (not SiS) 1024MB DDR400 Dual Channel RAM 128MB ATI Radeon Mobility 9700 Pro 1600x1200 UXGA Ultra-wide Angle 15" display 60 GB HD Linksys Wireless G Adapter $800
  8. I didnt know you still posted on here. So are we gonna have an FZ1 to add to the picture this year? http://home.columbus.rr.com/ebayzone/IMG_3930.jpg
  9. Nice pics. You dont happen to know Kevin Burns do you? I know he races SV650's, but I'm not sure for which league or class.
  10. Its pretty fun as long as you take for what it is.. At first I was really hoping to replace SuperBike 2001 and I was really disappointed since its nowhere near as realistic. It's certainly much easier to get into and play without having to take it too seriously. So its perfect for when you dont have time for a full simulated race weekend and just want to jump right in and race.
  11. The 954RR http://home.columbus.rr.com/ebayzone/Image20001.jpg The Derbi GPR http://x10.putfile.com/3/8321205399.jpg
  12. I just sold my car and I'm looking to replace my old 87 Ram 50. Looking for a 1990-99 mid-sized truck in good condition with extended cab, A/C, and with 130k or less miles. I prefer Ford and Toyota, but would consider a Chevy if its nice. I'm looking to spend $3000-$5000. Thanks
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