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Everything posted by Drakk0r1647545492

  1. Sorry I never got back with you. I've been out.. But I realized the rear is the wrong size anyway. I need a 190. Thanks anyways tho.
  2. $6500 with $1k up front? So he's gonna take payments? P.S. You know he wants a nice RX-7 to cruise around in!
  3. If he wants to get rid of it quick, I got $4k cash in hand. I know its not near what its worth, but I'm only looking for a track bike and he didnt pay anything for it, so I thought I'd at least make the offer tongue.gif I'd also trade it straight up for my car.. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=29;t=001135
  4. Those are nice, but they're also like the most expensive stands you can buy.. I'm looking for something a bit cheaper.. Unless you know a place that sells pitbull front and rear stands for about $60 each?
  5. Where's the cheapest place to buy front and rear motorcycle stands? I'd prefer the type of front stand that doesnt use the forks to lift, but either will do really since I'm looking for cheap..
  6. You're obviously not an E-Bay regular (idiot), shipping doesnt count toward the price you pay!
  7. Streetfighter is usually a sportbike with no side fairings.
  8. BTW.. breakin occurs within the first few miles you run it. So DONT run it unless you plan to ride it to break it in (ride hard) Also, if this is your first bike, it'll definately be more than you can handle when it starts getting in the powerband. Unless you have a very (VERY) trustworthy friend you'd trust to break it in for you, I'd have it broken in on a dyno for best results. Note, this is if you want the best break in. You can baby it if you want. All you'll loose is a little power and maybe some long term reliability.
  9. Join my unit and take my place in Afgahnistan next year! ..actually, I'm probably not going since I just got back from a deployment last month. But my job in the Army is teh shit. I started out in aviation maintenance, then I transferred to be a Blackhawk crew chief (same MOS, different job)
  10. Break it in like you plan to ride it, and change the oil early the first time.
  11. Are they gonna reschedule since its gonna rain tonight? I'd go if it werent for the weather..
  12. Umm.. Whatever happened to that bike anyway? You seemed to really like it, so why get rid of it?
  13. That'd make an awesome track bike.. As soon as I sell my car, I'll be picking up something like that..
  14. BTW, do that matrix thing again and gimme the number smile.gif I'll pay you $$$ for it if it wins! j/k.. ...unless you'll do it... Congrats again man!
  15. Holy shit, that was a you? I was listening when you won. Congrats man!
  16. Anyone who cheats is automatically a dick...
  17. Thats a funny story, cause your the whitest black dude I know! graemlins/lol.gif j/k ..but no, really.. WERD! graemlins/burnout02.gif
  18. You broke the secret biker code! Now everyone knows how our feable little motorcycles cant be fast without the NOS! ...the big bottles! .... TWO of em!
  19. Does that mean its illegal to run them down when the dumb fuckin things just stand in the road without even attempting to run away from a 2800+ lbs vehicle that comes barreling at them?
  20. A lot... Since like 1998 anyway... I personally know of one completely stock sport bike that went 10.18 @ 144. I'll never know what mine does because I prefer to scrub the sides of the tires than burn the center.
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