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Everything posted by Drakk0r1647545492

  1. Maybe.. Pics, milage, and condition? Depending on its value, maybe a trade + cash?
  2. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'd consider a trade.. I'd be interested in either another motorcycle for track use, or a nice daily driver (mid to late 90's Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, etc..)
  3. Dragging a sport bike for anything other than mild amusement is like running a top fuel car at the auto cross... Sure its fun and amusing, but its just not what its built to do.. Bikes that turn > bikes that dont
  4. I dunno.. I'm thinking of just paying the ticket via mail.. I dont think I can actually plead not guilty, and I'm not convinced pleading no contest would get me anywhere.. I have until Thursday to make up my mind..
  5. I didnt bother looking, but it has City of Columbus marked, where State of Ohio is left blank so I assume its a Cols police officer that wrote the ticket?
  6. Yes, but not for long.. Check the sig..
  7. Yes, but not for long.. Check the sig..
  8. So what are all the possibilities of pleading not guilty? What if things dont go the way you just discribed?
  9. Thats what I think I'll try to do.. If no points show, then it cant be picked up by insurance right?
  10. Oh, no.. it was 66 in a 55... I guess the onramp was a 55 zone and the freeway is 65? I dunno, like I said I wasnt paying attention...But when I got going after getting it, the nearest sign said 65, so I dunno.. The ticket days 66 in a 55...
  11. So for the first time in almost four years, I got a speeding ticket.. Apparently I was speeding on 315.. I say apparently because I really wasnt paying attention.. I was heading home on my bike at around 1:30am. I was getting on 315 from 670, just cruising along.. Not a car in sight, until I see a cop car parked with its lights off in the middle of 315 right as I came around to merge. She clocks me by laser, and I see flashing blue and red about a half mile behind me.. I could have been a dick and just sped away on the empty freeway.. But I'm not the type, so I stop well before she even gets close. I have my helmet and gloves off before she even walks up. I treat her with respect, address her as ma'am.. And she writes me a fucking ticket for going 66mph on an empty freeway! WTF!? This makes 4 times I've been stopped, and 4 times I've been ticketed.. No matter how minor the infraction, or how respectful and curious I am.. I can never seem to get a warning.. /rant
  12. I'd steal a Blackhawk, and fly around till I ran outta fuel.. Then skydive to my death... After lots of sex of course..
  13. Thats because when your bored.. and nothing is on TV.. You can always turn to porn for entertainment.. Looking at ass and titties never gets old..
  14. That's coo, if straight lines are your thing...
  15. If you really think thats cool, you're fucking retarded...
  16. I might be wrong.. But I dont think you get a salvage title for a broken foot peg and/or shifter arm..
  17. I dont know TheStig, at all.. Nor do I know of his history.. But everything that was said in his first post was true.. Maybe it was aimed at bikers.. Maybe not.. In either case, it doesnt make what was said any less true..
  18. Congrats man! Just hope and pray you didnt use all your luck winning it
  19. If I could do it all over again, I'd go that route myself.. But in the end, I'd still be selling it.. The bike ruined my car Nothing else is fun compaired to the bike now..
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