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Everything posted by SlowZ06

  1. He's in L.A. preparing to perform "Big Bad John" on American Idol next season...
  2. You say nasty ho as if it's a bad thing.... smile.gif
  3. Hehe... ask him if he "upgraded" the transmission by moving it to the back of the car while he was in there. smile.gif
  4. I'm going to have to throw my two cents in. As much as we would all like to protect ourselves from being killed, maimed, or otherwise harmed when we percieve ourselves as innocent, doing so by amending laws that have been the basis of our freedom(s) is not the way I feel it should be done. There is no perfect way, and to uphold these laws and rights we are granted, guilty people may walk free. Innocents may not. It stinks, but are we really willing to imprison potentially innocent people to protect other potentially innocent people from a potentially dangerous situation? I don't agree with taking away all rights because we "think" you might be planning a terrorist act, but what's the alternative?
  5. Needs help. Motor knocks but runs, 4 cyl, 5 speed, 4X4. No radio, AC, heat, speedometer, or driver's side window handle. (Vice grips work well) Sliding rear glass, mostly covered in mud. Cracked front glass, mostly covered in mud. Misc. brush / tree limbs / stagnant water / mosquitos stay with truck bed upon sale. Also included is a very muddy interior, barely working turn signals, and working head and tail lamps to get you home. (As if it would make it) Charcoal gray in color, with muddy accents. Rancho RS5000 shocks, 31X10.50 Goodyears (3 suck, 1 good) Truck kicks ass in mud. Needs too much to list. If you like playing in mud, and don't mind a little (or a lot of) work, this is for you. Pic available upon request, $450 OBO
  6. Needs help. Motor knocks but runs, 4 cyl, 5 speed, 4X4. No radio, AC, heat, speedometer, or driver's side window handle. (Vice grips work well) Sliding rear glass, mostly covered in mud. Cracked front glass, mostly covered in mud. Misc. brush / tree limbs / stagnant water / mosquitos stay with truck bed upon sale. Also included is a very muddy interior, barely working turn signals, and working head and tail lamps to get you home. (As if it would make it) Charcoal gray in color, with muddy accents. Rancho RS5000 shocks, 31X10.50 Goodyears (3 suck, 1 good) Truck kicks ass in mud. Needs too much to list. If you like playing in mud, and don't mind a little (or a lot of) work, this is for you. Pic available upon request, $450 OBO
  7. What, can't invite a brother?
  8. Well, it's worth a hundred bucks... (the one on the tank is real according to the ad) ...but that's about it.
  9. I want to quit, but I fear I may kill someone if I do. I've never been addicted to anything other than cigarettes, (except maybe watching Lizzie McGuire smile.gif ) but I just can't remain calm without them. Anyone have a succesful cessation method?
  10. SlowZ06

    Worst Show on TV??

    Worst show on TV? I can't name just one... how about the entire Lifetime network? Every show on that station sucks.
  11. That works, but for real entertainment, call up a stoner friend of yours, buy and plant a few half grown "weeds" in her backyard late at night, call the police and complain. Sit back and laugh as she tries to explain. Should there be a disclaimer on this?
  12. Probably some of both... I just refuse to modify perfectly safe driving habits to conform to unreasonable traffic laws. 90% of the ones I got were going to/from work through a construction zone; driving an SS camaro or a red Corvette and exceeding the ridiculous 45 MPH limit by 5 MPH = ticket. I understand safety issues, but putting up orange barrels and blocking half of the goddamn road when no one is working on it for weeks at a time is unreasonable.
  13. Okay, as the owner of thirty-six violations in the past three years and one conviction (to the tune of two whole points, yay!) I feel obligated to throw in my two cents. Plead not guilty, because the prosecutor will not even talk to you on your arraignment date, then when scheduled for trial, ask if you can plead to a no points violation.. Make it clear that you understand there will be a fine, but leave it at that. If he doesn't budge, or balks at your offer because of your driving record, wait to see if the officer shows up. About 40% of the time (in my experience in Franklin Co. anyways) they don't. If he/she does, then the prosecutor will confer with the officer, and mention your proposal. Unless the cop hates you, you were a total dick when you got pulled over, or the cop is a total dick, usually they'll agree. If not, ask for a continuance to obtain council. Usually, they break. If not, leave and come back a few minutes later, ask to change your plea to no contest, pay the fine, and deal with it. Should I patent this?
  14. 14.00394 Geekish tendencies
  15. Someone here has never experienced that frustration of exhaust work on a six year old car while laying on your back on the garage floor trying to remove impossibly rusted exhaust nuts with hand tools because the impact gun keeps breaking the sixteen 4" extensions you have snapped together to reach the goddamn thing... undercar repairs at home suck.
  16. ASE here, I know that ShuMuMuFu on here is also... congrats!
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