Okay, as the owner of thirty-six violations in the past three years and one conviction (to the tune of two whole points, yay!) I feel obligated to throw in my two cents. Plead not guilty, because the prosecutor will not even talk to you on your arraignment date, then when scheduled for trial, ask if you can plead to a no points violation.. Make it clear that you understand there will be a fine, but leave it at that. If he doesn't budge, or balks at your offer because of your driving record, wait to see if the officer shows up. About 40% of the time (in my experience in Franklin Co. anyways) they don't. If he/she does, then the prosecutor will confer with the officer, and mention your proposal. Unless the cop hates you, you were a total dick when you got pulled over, or the cop is a total dick, usually they'll agree. If not, ask for a continuance to obtain council. Usually, they break. If not, leave and come back a few minutes later, ask to change your plea to no contest, pay the fine, and deal with it.
Should I patent this?