the car is black with 136,xxx miles and its has mitsu wheels
heres the deal with the car
the motor i just put in the car a month ago is no longer healthy and i dont want to pull the motor again nor do i want to spend the time and part it out. the car can be driven home
the car has:
2g maf
2g exhaust manifold
2g intake elbow (not installed)
polished intercooler pipe from the top of the intercooler to the intake elbow (not installed)
walbro 255
turbonetics manual boost controller
2.5 inch turbo back dump
NEW ACT 2600 one month old with a 2 week break in period maybe 1200 miles
crushed 1g bov
balance shalf removed, all AC componets have also been removed along with the fog lights.
the motor has all new gaskets and a new timming belt not that it matters any more. the 14b has no shalf play and the 5 speed shift perfectly
i will sell the 1 month old AEM wide band (lamda ratio) with the car for an extra $150 and the RC 660cc injectors for $250