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Everything posted by Linn1647545492

  1. noob Porsche driver, kinda embarrassing.
  2. SSP GTR killing pro-stock big tire camaro w/chute
  3. Big Daddy Supra hits the wall 1000HP Corvette vs. Ducati 996
  4. viper vs supra MK3 6265 vs Mk4 Supra 7175
  5. Cats are a bit different. Like I said buy a Nacra and not a Hobbie or you will have to worry about Pitch Polling. Just watch the end of these videos
  6. Jamie, you should have knocked this dude out.
  7. TX2K12 Bikini Contest ( . )( . ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8q8--ewsfI
  8. If you get a sailboat make sure you get one that actually sails well. There are a lot of boats out there that don't handle well and can't really turn with just the main up.
  9. I grew up sailing and giving sailing lessons. If you are looking for a cat get a Nacra. I actually miss sailing and find myself stopping and watching the sailboats racing on Wednesday at Alumn when I'm out there on my ski. http://www.multihull.ca/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1164&g2_serialNumber=2 Sailing can be both relaxing and exciting depending on the wind. If it wasn't windy, I would not go out on the water.
  10. For that car to spin like that, I would think oil got on the tires.
  11. This is why you go boating.
  12. You listed 4 styles of boats. That's like saying, I'm looking at coupes, hatchbacks, sedans and SUVs. I will spend my entire summer on the water. But there is always the cost of fuel and maintenance even if nothing breaks.
  13. Someone sounds a little butt hurt. I also heard Anthony put up a better showing on motor than you.
  14. And for the pervs http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/418292_10150743401572112_75402982111_11425687_2095484867_n.jpg http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/430162_10150593638416502_677491501_9479344_1233894470_n.jpg
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