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Everything posted by dusticus2000

  1. i had no idea, that makes sense then but it still kinda bums me out.
  2. i like it, although it makes me wish we had nugent back.
  3. what i can't understand is how the steelers beat the Vikings and lose to the Browns???
  4. So who has the sweetest tattoos? I myself have seven and will get pics as soon as possible. My artist is Biggs at High Street Tattoo. If you have tats let me know and show em!!!
  5. I haven't followed Oregon's season at all but I know they have been a tough team over the past few years. I am hoping OSU stomps them but given Tressels struggles in bowl games recently my hope only goes so far. What do you guys think?
  6. I read online yesterday that it has been made offical that the Cincy coach has been named head coach for ND. I am not a huge Cincy fan but it bums me out that the coach would leave just as his team is doing so well.
  7. yay for snow! boo for balls freezing weather.
  8. I did have to completely replace the front brakes which was about as indepth as I got with the car. There were alot of electrical problems with it too and I didn't want to mess with that so i took it to a shop.
  9. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:6S5JD1fXfnCIhM:http://www.californiaclassics A benz very similar to the one I used to own. Pretty much the same color too, unfortunately it had alot of issues and I couldn't afford to keep reparing it. And as for my current car picture a buick regal with a good portion of thefront bumper missing and the hole covered up with bumper stickers:)
  10. 04 Buick regal with mucho body damage and some electrical problems.
  11. Yeah a bit:) I thought it was pretty funny.
  12. In my defense I have only worked in the parts department for about a month and a half. Before that it has been child care and retail. And as for the long absense not having the internet coupled with all the other stuff i do to relieve boredom like videogames and movies can account for a good portion of that time. But thanks for giving me a chance anyway:)
  13. i joined forever ago then kind of forgot about it. And i work at Carmax at Sawmill
  14. Well to start with, and i realize that i will most likely take all kinds of crap for this, I don't know much about cars. I like cars, especially older cars, I think they look sweet and sound cool, but as far as anything mechanical color me clueless. My favorite car of all time has been the '82 Mercedes 300SD turbo diesel that I used to own. Unfortunately I have no pictures of this car, or my current POS that I drive. But one day hopefully I will get a car that is worthy of note. I guess that I joined this site to get a better understanding of cars and the people who go nuts for them. As a side note many might find it funny to know that despite my lack of car knowlege I work in the parts department of a car dealership. Well that is pretty much it so I will look forward to what i am sure is going to be a roast! Scott
  15. does anyone else find it disturbing that you can hear the blood stream to the floor at the end
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