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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg

    Read Me~!

    LOL! For, like, real!
  2. pg

    I need a job!

    Thanks for all the advice and job options everyone!
  3. I just graduated with a bio-chemistry degree, I am looking for a full time job that will be using my degree, or a sales position where I don't have to have lots of sales experience. My ultimate goal is to get into OSU for a MHA, masters in helth administration, or a pharmaceutical sales position where I need at least a year of sales experience. If anyone knows of anything that would be sweet! Thanks.
  4. pg

    Tattoo crew

    I am good friends with a great tattoo artist, I'm sure he would do good work for you, he has a private studio in the short north, I can give you his number if you want. He is one of my top friends on my myspace if you want to check out his work, I'm not sure what his name is right now cause I'm never on there. But he could completely design exactly what you want in a drawing first and then you could go from there. Just let me know if you want.
  5. That is hilarious if it is real
  6. pg

    My New Bike!

    Thats a funny thread, haha. I remember seeing that kids car, it sounded pretty nice. I want to know why he thinks I would get on my car on Polaris, where is there to go in traffic? Whatever, Adam you better call me to go ride this week!
  7. pg

    My New Bike!

    A good thread about me recently? What does that mean? When are we going to ride? Oh and you should probably call me back when I call you, ass!
  8. pg

    My New Bike!

    Here's the newest member of my family! I got her a bit ago, about a couple of weeks. She's an '07 Ninja 600. Oh and I dropped her already, hit some gravel when I came to a stop and my foot slipped out from under me and I fell. Scratched her up a bit, and then when I got home, I was moving her out of the garage to clean the garage a bit and forgot I put the kickstand up and dropped her on the other side! Worst day ever for my poor bike, but I knew it would happen eventually. But here are some pics of her! Oh, I got it lowered too, so that I could ride it. I think it was lowered 2.5 or 3 inches. http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd333/pgsrt-4/irelandbike103.jpg http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd333/pgsrt-4/irelandbike099.jpg http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd333/pgsrt-4/irelandbike098.jpg
  9. pg

    Irish Fest today

    I will be the drunk girl!
  10. I will be there on Saturday with some friends, we are driving up though, not riding.
  11. pg

    New spot?

    Dave I better be one of the cool kids that gets to stay, I just started posting again, damn.
  12. Good for you, you have a memory. Sorry I don't remember you, have we met?
  13. Know how I know you just got pwned? Cause I'm a girl.
  14. If you think you are going to find a "compatible mate" when you are older for just one night, have fun with that. Especially when you end up with herpes or AIDS. When I said I think the best part of life is having relationships that is my opinion and I stated that. I wouldn't expect a person who wants to have meaningless one night stands for the rest of his life a person who would understand this. What comes with having a meaningful relationship is life, kids, vacations, even the hard times, which I can say sucks, considering I'm hitting it right now, but when I'm sure that when I look back on it I will feel differently about it. All I can say is that it is nice to have someone to come home to and talk to, a person who understands me to the fullest, and a person who cares about me. Have fun with those girls that want one night stands, maybe you will change your mind later.
  15. I don't understand why men sit there and say that women are bitches all the time. All you guys do is complain about women, men just more than women do. I think it is awesome how many of you guys are saying how horrible it is to cheat. And about the divorce thing, get over trying to screw her over, it will just make things worse for your kid, try to be civil and maybe your kid will have a good life growing up with both parents in his life instead of just one. I'm not saying to go for joint custody, obviously you know what type of mother and father you both are and I'm sure you can make the right decision as to which type of custody is right for your child. If you do get full custody you better be the best father in the world, I have a friend that has a 4 year old and he has full custody, he sacrifices a lot for his boy, but the kid is awesome. Good luck. Oh and to all you guys that never want to get married, have fun being alone and loney when your balls are all wrinkled and droopy. Having relationships is the best part of life, I think. To get to know someone so well and to getalong with a person and have a good time with them, it is like having another person who is a little part of yourself. It is amazing, I'm sad for you people that you can't see that, or don't want that. I think later in life you will realize it.
  16. Whatever did you see those pictures of people that were wearing jeans?! I don't want to look like that. LOL, Unfortunately I'm not using her credit card.
  17. Now I know the answer to my pondering about returning my boots. I think I'll keep them. Scared the shit out of me, I'm going to order pants now.
  18. Thanks for the advice Dave, thanks for nothing Marc and Jason
  19. I am going to sell my car and get a bike and a beater. I have a couple of small dents in the body and was wondering if people thought it would be a good idea to fix the dents and then sell it or just try to sell it with the dents? Thanks, Ryan
  20. bought yet? I may be interested. Just need to sell first to get some cash if you still have it.
  21. It's still available. I can hook up tommorrow if that is good for you... PM your # -Howard
  22. You can trim their claws also, and that would be free. Its what I do with my cats because declawing is starting to be looked at as inhumane. To trim their claws you just use a nail clipper or you can buy one at a pet store made for cats, but a regular one works fine. You just have to use the clippers side-ways on the cats nails from how we trim our nails if that makes sense to you.
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