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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg


    You get a pin from Barnes and Noble for 5 years.
  2. Florida or Texas, get out of here, the winters are cold and the summers sticky. Although Florida is humid too, but at least there's no snow in winter, most of the time.
  3. pg

    Its a good thing

    I'm in a Western Civilization class this quarter and the entire class we have been learning about religion, which I have no idea about seeing as how I'm not religious, I'm not atheist though, but anyway most of the horrible things that have happened to people, groups, genders other religions have been caused by religion. If people are so concerned with getting to heaven, which were the catholics of the middle ages, why do they do such horrible things to people of different beliefs, wouldn't that be something that is not highly looked upon? This class has definately brought to my attention the corruptness of religion which I was not really that aware about. Whats the obsession with religion, I think, believe in God, Jesus and the Devil and try to live a good life and stop concerning yourself with what other people believe and what they want to do, its not anyone elses business than theirs and how does it hurt anyone if gays get married or if someone gets an abortion, they have their reasons. I deeply dislike people who care about others beliefs, get over yourself and stop trying to get others to believe what you believe, its annoying. Sorry for the rant it just really gets to me.
  4. I would love to have that, I would assume that whoever bought that was rich so if that was me, then I would build a course to drive it on and buy cars from the junk yard and run them over with it, or blow them up, it would be sweet.
  5. I don't think so, unless Matt(96MustangCobra) has a secret identity, whats strangelove? Sounds strange. Oh and welcome, should have gone with the SRT-4, they are the best!
  6. Thats a really nice trick to have, I want to teach my dogs to do that.
  7. I wish you would have been home too, I have an idea why don't you transfer to OSU? Good idea, we could have played with the cars yesterday. It was great to have the sunroof and the windows open wearing a tee-shirt. Too bad the weather sucks now.
  8. pg

    Got cancer?

    Thats awesome, medical technology is getting so advanced eventually getting new organs will be no problem, and people will live for a long time, which I suppose is not good. Overpopulation will be a problem.
  9. pg

    Gay penguins

    There are also gay geese I've read.
  10. Thats cool. I'm thinking about getting one, where are good places to go that can make a tatoo look real, like a picture?
  11. I think its nice to not have all the smoke in bars, I went to billiards club to see a friend play a show and it was so nice to not have smoke strangulating me while I was watching the show, I could also see clearly instead of the normal haze that filled the place. Even though I do agree with Joel on how our freedoms are slowly being taken away.
  12. Hahahaha. This is so true. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  13. When I had to get teeth implants because I was missing two of them I went to Dr. Hinkle, he is a good friend of my moms. My mom is a nurse at Grant Hospital and she does anesthesia for oral, eye and ear surgury so she knows a lot of doctors in that area of medicine and who is good and who isn't. He is by riverside dr and I had a good surgury too. If you want to know about any Doctors that you are considering I could ask my mom if they are good or not, just pm me. smile.gif
  14. How do you get to go on a ride along? I would love to do that even though I've been on the other side of things and have had some really shitty cops. I've also had some cops who let us go instead of getting arrested, which was really cool, but the dick head cops are shitty and they are the ones that make me not want to follow the laws. When I got arrested one of the officers wanted to let us sit in the cruisers while they searched the car and the other one told him no that he didn't care if we froze, it was negative degrees outside, and I got frostbite on my thumb from the cold and the handcuffs were cutting off my circulation, it sucked. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  15. I thought that the limit was just recently changed to .07 or something like that? The amount that it take for someone vary's depending on the amount of lean muscle to fat. The more fat someone has the more alcohol it takes to get them drunk because the alcohol travels faster through lean muscle than fatty tissue.
  16. This is acctually not true. If the person is mature enough to realize the pain they cause on someone else when they cheat and see what a bad chioce they are making they won't do it again. Now if the person just doesn't care I would see how this would apply but its not true for everyone.
  17. Then get drunk again it was hilarious last time.
  18. I'm just kidding with you, no need for panties in a bundle its just the internet. I thought you had a GS-R not a type R how is you wing stock? When I was looking for cheaper insurance I went to progressive the online thing and filled it out and kind of played around with it to see what sort of options would lower my insurance, it sucked and took a while but if you read the information that they provide for you in the questions it can really clear up what sort of things that you're really paying for and stuff. I wasn't being an ass just so you know. smile.gif
  19. I think it would be fun to go bowling again if anyone was interested. Except this time somewhere cheaper $14 is expensive for my poor ass. Does anyone want to?
  20. Maybe you should stop getting into shit and your price will go down, I had an integra and then got a brand new car that I have now and my price only went up 40 dollars but I have a clean record, maybe you just should not speed. Wings also increase insurance prices.
  21. Maybe you should stop getting into shit and your price will go down, I had an integra and then got a brand new car and my price only went up 40 dollars but I have a clean record, maybe you just should not speed.
  22. Is the last page that page that says "the page cannot be found" on purpose? Or is there more. I took me forever to read.
  23. I would love to say a few of those to people I work with, but mostly customers.
  24. pg


    Dave did go to OU as a student.
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