I think that video is from a National Geographic show I saw last week. Those giant hornets are pretty scary. They're 3 inches long with a wingspan of like 7 inches. The venom in their stingers can actually burn through flesh.
I think it's because when they're leaning like that the contact patches shrink dramatically. So, when they get on the gas it's easy for them to step out. It's also easy for the bike to throw them the other way off the bike. I'm no expert, so don't take this too seriously.
Just when I thought the lame Top Gun song was gonna end, BAM! Nickelback kicks in, hella lame.
Anyways, awesome video. That shit's scary, but so badass.
Try that out. It's got torrents for every episode. The seeds start to taper off around the beginning of season 3, though. But, that should keep you entertained for weeks. The new season begins in May, or so I've heard.
Looks like I'm about to jump on another bandwagon...that friggin' sucked!
At one point I figured it was gonna be one of those videos where something popped up on the screen and screamed. Hell, that woulda been better than what really happens in that vid.
That is a shit load, but I don't think that's all of 'em. They do maybe 2 or 3 segments per show, times 15+ episodes per year, times a lot of years. There are a lot of good vids there, though. Good find.
One full of people who don't post retarded ass videos. Stop searching google video for "man love" and get back to racing old men in Tauruses with your Cooter. :woowoo:
I priced mine around $23k. I don't want all the fancy extra crap, like XM radio. I just wish you could get a sunroof without getting the satellite radio.