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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. Rollover who the hell still uses roll over. Since the free nights and weekends came into play. Plus another thing to think about, my boss and i travel back and fourth from Detroit. He has AT&T and i have verizon. Basically in a nut shell he has gotten to the point having me do all of the business calls and listening to music etc.. from my Droid. You might be able to call and use the internet at the same time but unless you are with in 10 miles of a major city. Forget it .. AT&T blows. I agree Verizon (w/ Droid) > *
  2. can you list the blu Ray movies with prices. Thank you
  3. Ok it seems like this person could be in jail is there a way to check a site or call a number give them the name and find out if they are locked away?
  4. a place north of columbus in Lewis Center near the brand new kroger. Had one done and they gave me head phones to listen to some music and everything.
  5. Are there any off duty Policemen who would be interested in earning an extra $$ for keeping this legit? Draknee ? or anyone else?
  6. Scott i have no beef with you man or where you asking me to pm you what is going on?
  7. Guys these are really good suggestions. Thank you if you have any more keep having them come in. I think i will send him a certied letter so that way i know for a fact he is getting it. that does not work then i will possibly look into getting an off duty officer. Any one on here an off duty office who would stake out the place and wait for confrontation?
  8. Yeah a little paper from the state proves it is mine. I have emails and phone call records that can prove that. Yeah a little douse of Mr T. will fix everything.
  9. Well this person still has things in his on his property that are owned by me. clearly $450 not a lot of money i just want to get my shit back.
  10. $450 worth of services. cant say any more than that without giving away the person.
  11. Ok first let me say that i am trying to get a hold of someone. I would rather not say on cause it could make things quite difficult. But say this person owes you money and committed to services for money. Well this person has been a ghost to me for about 6 months if not more. I have been nice by leaving non threating messages. I have tried cell, facebook, and pms on CR. Now need to put the knuckels to the wall and get something going. What is my next course of action? 1) make a public post about it in the general section ( ..... .... Check your PM's or else) 2) show up at his place of work / and possible residence and wait until he showes up then confront him at that time? 3) Go file a police report / small claims court? 4) add your own comments...
  12. Ok look asshole. you told me you were stopping by my location on friday morning from 10-10:30. I waited ... That was the third time you said you were going to come and never showed up. I explained myself to you the first time that my number would not work any more and you would need to come by. It is too bad the DVD's are already pack your loss. I am going to leave a negative remark for no delievery. If you bitch at me, i will be happy to show everyone our emails to prove i am right and you are wrong. So MODS please lock the thread Mesan already bought all the movies.
  13. Nope, I bought it from Walmart.com they had it marked down to $19.99 then i sent them a phone so it dropped the price to $0.00 Took it over to Verizon and had it activated and i got some accessories for it (rubber protector, and screen protector)
  14. Yeah everyone i know there is tons of threads out there. But here it goes. Bought a new DROID. So far i am really digging the phone. The OS flows very very well. I am enjoying the functionality very much. Couple questions, 1) What are your favorite apps and why should i get them? 2) Any tips conserving Battery Life? 3) Any mods or things i should get for it? Thanks for your input!
  15. Someone is coming by to pick this lot up tonight. If he doesnt it will still be up for sale. So keep an eye on this post if you are interested.
  16. SOLD!!! Lock it up pls.
  17. Sold lock it up please.
  18. The movies are all sold. Here is a picture of the golf clubs. http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1266/1011906.jpg
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