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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. i will charge you $100 to get your computer all back to where it was formatted OS, and updated drivers and programs etc. You will spend at least $50 - $60 for HP to send you the CD's Then you have to wait for them to process 3 buisness days then mail them to you. I can have it done in 24hrs.
  2. <-- no degree here just study from book from library and then take test. A+, N+, MCP here
  3. what exactly is the video card and the cpu in this laptop?
  4. interested.... I am waiting to see if my boss gives me a Macbook should know by a week from now. if he doesnt i will be give you a call. about this.
  5. Hey everyone we need your help! I work for Livio and we made a app for Iphones and possibly the Droid. We are going to be at CES and our app is in the top 20 for the show down. If you can please visit http://mobileappsshowdown.com/ballot-box/ and vote for our Mobile Iphone Livio App. You have 25 votes if you can please give us as many as you can!! Help us win!!! You can check out our cool Products as well Livio Radio - Pandora , and NPR http://www.livioradio.com IRA and introducing the First Mobile radio DVR the Abbee. - http://www.myine.com message me if you have any questions, and for a coupon.
  6. We watched it in IMAX 3D, I have to say WOW We both loved the movie and the 3D just made it even better. I would not recommend anything less that that.
  7. Which is better. the girl and i are going to see Avatar tonight and cant decide which 3D will be better ? opinions?
  8. Here is my input on this topic. I have a PS3 and i love it. But i am a movie lover. I have the netflix online and such. I have a 46" Panasonic Plasma and it looks great with the PS3. Now if you are more of a Console Gamer go with the XBOX 360 because it does has good gaming support. The one thing that the PS3 Looses to the XBOX is the games. Price is alittle cheaper than the PS3. Cons the XBOX 360's do have more problems than the PS3's. When i worked at BBY They had probably 1 out 5 360's came back with some kind of error. Where I can only exchanging 2 PS3's in months. Now the PS3 pretty much beats it in every catagory. Movies with Netflix, Blu Ray, HD windows media streaming. I have my computer setup with over a 1tb of HD movies and it is great when you can just scroll through a large menu and check out tons of movies. So it really comes down to your budget and what you do more of. Both systems are nice and they are better than the others in certian areas.
  9. Hey everyone i am looking to buy health insurance. Cause I dont have any. Can anyone recommend anything descent for around $80-$100 a month?
  10. I am kind of looking around for a new camera. But i only have $275 play money. If you will accept that let me know
  11. http://www.newschannel9.com/news/year-987196-old-christmas.html lol losy mother.... discuss
  12. thank you for the opinion but i am kind of strapped as it is buying a card almost $200. lol.
  13. I have checked out the specs. It seems the XFX 4890 1gb at newegg is the best bang for the buck at $179.99 anyone have any better suggestions ? Or should i wait till the DX 11 cards come down in price? Also thinking about the XFX 5770 check out these two cards http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=608&card2=615 Biggest pro and cons. 4890 = has more memory bandwith and higher bit (256) no DX11 support 5770 = has better shading operations and DX11 support. but lower bit rate 128. Decisions decisions.!! UGG
  14. Those seem very nicely priced. But i have heard that the 4890 models have problems with locking up due to over heating.
  15. Hey peeps i need to buy a new video card for my system. I have checked out Orions eVGA OC 260 and thought that was a pretty kick ass card. So i am checking out the OC 275 and the O 260 is there anyone has any constructive criticism or can recommend a better card for the price. I am looking to pay $100-$200. I am going to use this to build a flight sim for FSX. Current system. Asus P5K 4GB OCZ ddr 1066 Intel Quad Core 6600
  16. ate sushi at maggie woo's tonight thought akai had better. i am down for next time.
  17. Akai is ok, this has some of the best priced sushi in columbus. Basically all the Asians who came straight off of the boat go. So you know it is good. If you are looking for really really good sushi and be willing to spend the money for it. Benihana at Polaris has a good selection. They also have All you can eat sushi for $26. Oh Snap!!!
  18. Hey guys i want to buy some really cheap ammo to just do some fun shooting. I have a modified SKS. So i am looking for the 7.63x39 ammo. Whats the cheapest place to buy online or locally.
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