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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. I always wondered how someone could improve a knife......
  2. Rick, You really have to stop giving your religion a black eye here. You're not helping anyone here "see the light" of your religion. In fact you're making religion even more unappealing than it was before you started to speak. I don't believe in a God, but I do believe the woman in this picture (from your website) has a great ass!! http://www.knoxchiropractic.org/library/Family.jpg
  3. Oh yea.... It kicks like a fucking mule too!! Watch the movie 'Enemy at the Gate' The Nagant is the star in that movie to me.... lol
  4. I have the identical twin to this gun and I can shoot the nuts off a nat at a 160 yards with it.
  5. So it must take 1.21 jigowatts for the electrolysis process to happen.... How did you figure out the secret? Wait..... It takes 1.21 jigowatts to make the flux capacitor work.... What is the output of the flux capacitor?
  6. I guess anything is possible... But wait didn't you just say that this technology IS possible just a couple posts back? So you're agreeing with what Stan Meyers accomplished. So wouldn't that make the comments in your post "full of shit" too? You're not sounding as smart as you think you are.....
  7. Having the courage to speak out against sin is love. --Keep you 'Love' to your self. They have love for the sinner otherwise they would sit back and endorse it like the rest of the Sodomite supporters in this world. --What ever happen to just keeping your mouth shut. It's no ones business but the homosexuals. On a side note..... You have an odd way of showing love. Do you know what love is? I was always taught to be nice to everyone unless they're trying to kill me.. Your religion obviously has flaws........ Or maybe it's the way you're representing it..
  8. That looks like the Google car getting gassed up doesn't it? Why else would Lane Ave go thru the gas station.
  9. Stan Meyers was his name.....
  10. This thread made me lol. This has been around since before most of the people on this board was even born.... There was a guy from Grove City that came up with this in the late 70's early 80's. He made a rail buggy run on water. If I remember right he had a meeting with the Government about his new technology and was never heard from again.
  11. I've heard from numerous people that Time Warner is eliminating newsgroups here in Columbus. After a little googling I see that Time Warner has done this already in New York. Any truth to this?
  12. That's a good price. I've got one for me and the wife. I was extremely impressed with how long the battery lasts. If you keep the display and lights off and just listen to music it'll last (mine anyways) 14 hours and still have a 1/4 charge left. check out http://www.rockbox.org for an even better OS for the sansa players.
  13. it will be lacking the wormwood extract......
  14. You still have to pay a road fuel tax on every gallon of veggie oil you use. To be legal anyways..... California is enforcing the tax and I've heard of a few cases in Ohio too.
  15. Yes there is..... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0041752/ Never seen the movie so I'm not sure what she does in the movie... Sure is cute tho....
  16. I've found copperheads in Lancaster and Waverly.
  17. so what EXACTLY are you selling and for how much? It sounds like you have some stuff and would have to purchase the rest to make a complete PC...... Am I right? I'm more interested in what you already have................
  18. I just hate seeing them go to waste..... thanks
  19. I have 4 Southwest Vista, Section 13, row G, seats 11-14 for Sunday $85 face value each looking to get $100 for all 4. sorry for the short notice.
  20. I have a 99 Cobra tank that looks like new for $50. Not sure if it will fit tho....
  21. If I remember right, he makes a living with that T1 connection so it's well worth it. So far the cheapest T1 I've found is $400 a month and you have to be inside of 270 to get that price.
  22. a T1 is only $300 a month?!?!?! I thought that would be WAY more expensive....
  23. Retro-Box is now Intechra. http://www.intechra.com/html/Contact_Intechra_Locations.html Not sure how they handle walk-ins..... They charge corporations to dispose of old hardware. If you take the CRT's apart use a hammer and crack the last couple inches on the neck of the tube. There is a vacume inside the tubes that if not broke the way I said, could implode and cause major bodily damage when tossed into a dumpster. I've seen these things shot glass out of dumpsters over 100 yards before. When you crack it it will sound like air is escaping. That's the tube filling with air.
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