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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. No offense, but I am sure the sheriff is nicer to girls. I believe this was a park ranger or something though that pulled up and told us this.
  2. I went home and jerked it til the sun came up and still went out. :gtfo:
  3. They told us after we jumped to get the fuck out and that at least one person gets life-flighted out of there a year. I highly doubt a note is going to do much for you.
  4. :gtfo: Support our own. PM 360Iroc
  5. I am now punching myself for not buying GM stock at $5.
  6. Kevin R.


    Wait...what are you rockin now Sam?
  7. You should all rock these. http://masterofconcealment.com/pgroup_descrip/106_Concealment+Items/7007_Ultimate+Compression+Concealment+Shorts/?return=%3ftpl%3Dindex%26category_id%3D106%26_Concealment%2BItems%2F
  8. Nope. I have two dads fag.
  9. Way to bitch out Phil. I had a great time on campus.
  10. Good find..because the rest of their shit is titties as well.
  11. Sleep until 4pm. You'll feel great.
  12. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&geocode=&q=category:+%22Restaurants+Sonic+Drive-In%22&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.315864,78.134766&ie=UTF8&near=hamilton+road+groveport,+ohio&cd=1&ei=qDHxSObsAqGciAOlnYjXCg&ll=39.899255,-82.882839&spn=0.002049,0.004769&t=h&z=18 It is where the dirt field used to be.
  13. Yeah. Try pulling out of Honda East. When I worked there that is the blindest fucking corner I have ever encountered. Every time was merely, "Fuck it, I'm going." and then gunnin' it. The guy on the bike was a dumbass especially on that road of all roads.
  14. "I'll wrap my dick around your neck and start you like a lawnmower"
  15. Oh my I'm sorry. Close the fuck enough. Doesn't look like Beanie is going to STAY healthy anyways after rolling his ankle on that run. :asshole:
  16. If you say shenanigans one more time I'm gonna pistol whip you.
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