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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. It is true. I saw it on the internet. I cannot believe, as well, some of the bullshit people are so ignorant to ignore. It makes it ever-so obvious to me how some people can go completely through life with their blinders on about how their freedoms are being taken from them and they do not even have the mental capacity to realize it. Some people can take everything they see on the television or their favorite internet site as instant truth without having the conscious to question or research it. It is making us into sheep and sheep that will listen and follow without such a blink of an eye. It is all sad really.
  2. Maybe....unless everyone follows this.
  3. By gay I mean you like to party.
  4. You guys are fucking gay.
  5. We can see that you edited your post genius.
  6. Nothing really in the automotive market determines scrap value...it is the metals. I gotta go to class someone else can explain.
  7. Exactly. I just hate people calling it a "bail-out" as it was far from it. Much better loans could have been had than 12% but in the short-term they had no choice with the limited resources who have that kind of money.
  8. How is this political? I guess in a sense but I didn't want it be thrown in with Thorne's "Palin is a lying skank ho-bag omg" threads.
  9. The Fed is not "bailing anyone out". In the case of AIG, a 12% "loan" was given. That rate is shitty as fuck but they were the only ones who have that kind of money at this time. Check your facts before you think the government is just handing out money.
  10. Wow, that is fucked up, especially posting the entire contact list.
  11. No shit. Leave it to CR to take a thread commenting on a 12 year olds looks downhill.
  12. You have to watch the gay one for the real funny.
  13. That is fucking awesome man. +1 on 870 never going anywhere
  14. Probably not Saturday. If it was Sunday I probably would have but take lots of pics!
  15. This is so gay but if you don't laugh fuck you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nivR8LkSn1Q&feature=related
  16. edit: nevermind...thought it was going down sunday
  17. I agree the credit crisis is worse off than before. I guess I am in the dark on this one, how does the dollar strengthening and crude oil going down lead the drop in GDP? I am honestly curious and don't know.
  18. So, with all this shit happening in the financial sector with AIG/Merrill Lynch/Lehman Brothers (everyone) going down the shitter and the government stepping in to help; what would you guys say are some themes in the market today? I did a small study on this approx. 8 months ago and my top three themes were the rapid increase in oil prices, the real estate "crisis", and how everything was leading to the rise of inflation and the weakening of the U.S. dollar. I don't really see any of these that QUITE apply as well as they did 8 months ago any more and am interested to see what those of you that follow this stuff think are some of the current "themes" in the market today? I know there can be some intelligent conversation on CR I promise I'll never initiate this again.
  19. Kevin R.


    I have partied at OSU a plenty and have partied at OU a plenty, and overall I prefer OUs level of drunkeness/sluttiness yet OSUs level of general hotness. That is my happy medium.
  20. Kevin R.


    I don't think Orion is arguing the name or the founding intent; he is saying the way it is and the way it has come to be. You have to overlook the text and see the way the Fed and the economy is working TODAY. That is the way I took it.
  21. Kevin R.


    There is nothing funny about this. I am pissed and encourage everyone to bash you.
  22. Kevin R.


    In my opinion you just contradicted yourself in a sense. You say who is it for the government to control the private sector but wouldn't you say they need more control so this doesn't happen again? OR would you rather the whole economy go under because of this and have no control? There has to be a balance.
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