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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Wow, crazy video of it revving in a garage.
  2. The only investment I partake in.
  3. If you were actually going 160, as I am sure a lot of you with bikes have at some point done, and passed a police car, why pull over? You all act like he should have and gotten served that sweet ticket.
  4. LOL. If you have to bring up how you went to highschool with someone you need to go move on with life.
  5. 'cuz he knows everything about every company and body kit out; you didn't hear? For God's sake, his engine is GOLD! He must know all.
  6. Boo fuckin' hoo. I would take anyones shift regardless if they did it because they were hungover or just had a baby. People just don't like to work hard any more. Quit bein' a pussy and ride your big mouth RX7 to work.
  7. I have a couple A670s.
  8. To open up at 160 degrees? LOL To keep their car cooler if it gets hot. I know some people will switch between a 180 and something lower in the summertime. However, you are not going to get much heat in the winter.
  9. You can build a kick ass fox body for a lot cheaper than you can most. Now, you won't have the in-dash navigation, streetability, and penis extentionization that you would get with a brand new whip...but they are fun as hell none-the-less.
  10. I missed that too. Those arches are hideous. :gtfo:
  11. Kevin R.

    Oh Phillip

    That is acceptable.
  12. Kevin R.

    Oh Phillip

    Bahahaha. You owe me a case of beer.
  13. That looks fucking retarded. Just because you think you have taste you believe you are going to "show the world" it and they will be in awe. Maybe the rest of the world hasn't done it because it looks like shit? Maybe you just need to stay in the import scene rocking your gold painted engine and leave the Vettes alone.
  14. Exactly. Even company sales and free giveaways come out of a salesman's pocket. I guess this just makes no sense to me. They send out 100 oil change coupons, calendars with tons of free shit, and in a business where "price matching" is the basis of selling and they dock you for it.
  15. It was just a suggestion since that is a large price difference. It is a lot harder for the salesman to discount now or they may be reluctant because if you have a certain percentage it comes directly out of your pay. In this business, that has to be one of the stupidest policies I have ever heard. They may have changed this since I went back to school but it was dumb as hell. So, I guess although the company would rather have your business sometimes it will actually hurt the person selling you those tires, ya know what I mean?
  16. That is what I thought. He got ready for his NRA video appearance hardcore.
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