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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Awesome dog. I'm jealous.
  2. Kevin R.


    is the only word I can think of to describe this section
  3. If you have naked pictures, then yes.
  4. What kind of man is saddened by another man, which he doesn't know, losing a TV show? :gay:
  5. That is one insanely awesome car. Congratulations.
  6. I still have this from the last talk of it. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/CarsandCoffee.jpg lol
  7. Kevin R.


    You must have missed that last part. :nod:
  8. No shit. I stared at it for 20 minutes straight I think. :nod:
  9. Kevin R.

    Going Green

    You should go buy a hybrid. It will produce less emissions and use less fuel, thus saving the environment. It is clearly a win win. Run off sheep.
  10. Kevin R.

    Going Green

    I think going green is a crock of shit. Half of the stuff it requires uses more energy to produce than it saves.
  11. No one is making fun of his character, just his car.
  12. Thanks for the 8-ball. Very please. Will buy again.
  13. Truth. 190hp is way more realistic than the overrated 200+ Ford says. The question of aftermarket is endless.
  14. I read the reply above yours and though I was going to see a thread full of praise. I agree, there are only so many ways to fuck up a Supra, and there is one of them. Ugly.
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