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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.


    I'm only a World Series fan.
  2. Err. I work at an NTB and don't drink the coffee unless I am broke if that tells you anything.
  3. I bought one and it lasted for....eh...two days running properly. Piece of shit and a waste of money in my opinion. The novelty of it wears off after awhile when they are even running.
  4. I love my new Zo6. Thanks for tellin' everyone.
  5. Hopefully I make as awesome selections in this as Sterling Marlin in the Auto Racing Fantasy League.
  6. I'm decently quick so I'll just run for a bit the best I can and you can tell em' you'll wait there in case I return.
  7. Want me to call in something? You can respond to the call.
  8. Ah, yes indeed. Did not know that was you. Many a clock-round spent in my basement using your inventions to create Crystal Pepsi. Shame it did not take off as expected.
  9. Predictions? Silva Arlovski Both win.
  10. Ah, remember February '76? Twas' a rough one. Barely a can of beans and bread to go around. Of course, I gave my own share for the benefit of the family. Water was hard to come by...all frozen. Difficult walk to work through the woods and fields and pastures, but someone had to do it. Was a rough time indeed.
  11. Not there but I wanna watch it. Video tape it for me.
  12. The blonde might have been, but the brunette was not very pretty at all. Probably got kicked off for being a dumb bitch.
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