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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Really? I can't picture the owner being very gothic....
  2. I have the inprint of my best friend's ass in the rear fender of my car. Yes, that sounds gay. But that sucks. People are assholes.
  3. I have some pretty hefty student loans.
  4. I have no idea. I barely even remember what he looks like. My buddy said he is a decently built guy with buzzed blondish hair.
  5. I'm not really scared of them I guess...I just don't have a need for it right now more than making some small purchases and paying them off to build credit.
  6. I was just about to post this. They both got pretty annoying after a bit.
  7. Eh, don't like the second one. Techno sucks.
  8. Shit is tight. Haven't listened to the second one yet but... New workout music for me. Thanks Thorne.
  9. It is the only bank in Athens. I was going to go there anyways, but Key was giving away free iPods so I went with them first. Then, Chase offered me $100 to open an account I wanted to anyways, so I jumped on it. I have heard bad things about them as well, but I have no choice down here unless I want to pay out my ass in ATM fees.
  10. I appreciate the financial advice, but I don't like credit cards. I got one and will use it to buy a energy drink or some shit at the gas station every once in awhile and then immediately pay it off; but they scare the shit out of me. But that is a good point. I'll stick to cash though as soon as I get my whole banking situation fixed.
  11. Drooopppppppiinnnnn looooaddddssssssss
  12. I don't believe so, because if they are trying to fuck with me they fucked up. The holding fee of $94 was fine, it got reversed, then $16 was charged. However, with the $94 still being "open" in the system after the $16 was charged and the $94 was reversed, they made yet another transaction for $140. The only reason they were able to do this on a canceled card was because the $94 "holding fee" was open in their system. Fraud. Also, do bars have a "time table" of some sort of when drinks or whatever is being charged? If all else fails I want a complete run-down of that.
  13. Those look 100x better. Nice work. Hopefully it holds up.
  14. I guess that is the difference here. The $94.xx was apparently a holding fee on my $16 tab. Then, however, a $140 transaction went through after this holding fee was reversed. This is what Key Bank just told me is fraudulent activity. I'd be absolutely pissed if this made me overdraft.
  15. It is being disputed through Key. But if all else fails $140 was worth it.
  16. I would actually be okay with that now. But no $120.
  17. I usually never do. I am moving to Chase bank and Key has not authorized my Chase account so I can transfer my money (I know there are other ways I could do it). So, instead of paying an assload of ATM fees, I was just opening tabs until I could get it switch to Chase, as there are no Key banks down here. Needless to say, all this happened first before I could get a chance. Now, I am stuck with no access to the money in my Key account (which is all my money). :mad:
  18. Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. I'll let you know what happens.
  19. Should I even take this up with the bar? Or just straight call the bank? It is obvious the bar fraudulently charged a canceled card....
  20. Haha, negative. She is extremely hot though so one day...
  21. See, this is what I believe the $94 was. But, now there is this $140 debit that makes absolutely no sense. Printing my statement and heading to the bar in a bit...I want to see them explain a charge on a canceled card 5 days later. :ninja:
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