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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. I am going to go out on a limb and say your poll is going to be fucked up AJ. The first 3/4 of this thread no one knew you were talking about your old Camaro, or it was a bunch of new fucks commenting on things they have no idea about. I'd say the Camaro, but it still needs finished so it is an entirely different ballgame. Just depends on what you want...
  2. Awesome giant F-650 or whatever. Kid is fucking spoiled. You know it was a joke and he probably really got some awesome shit. What a crybaby fuck.
  3. Kevin R.

    my camaro

    Still can't believe you sold it...so sick.
  4. Damn dude. That is awesome! What is it you do with them?
  5. Meh...wipe off the piss splatter then shit. There is probably more germs on the dollar bill in your wallet.
  6. Probably gettin' drizzunk then Red White and Boom on Friday then gettin' drizzunk and blowin' shit up on Saturday with some friends.
  7. Too bad the rides close at 9:30.... I went Monday and it was pretty busy so we didn't wait in line for the Diamond Back. But the Firehawk was fuckin' awesome and a new experience for me...scared the shit out of me though because I felt like I was going to fall out of my harness the whole time.
  8. There isn't enough OxyClean in the world to wash the pain away or enough Mighty Putty to mend my broken heart.
  9. I am not in the military so I have never been over there, but I feel like I would want some cigarettes, porn, and beef jerky. Awesome video BTW. I, too, want to know the story behind him. I feel like there must be something to get this reaction as, sadly (or fortunately?), this support doesn't seem common.
  10. Yeah that video was horrible.
  11. Jesus. What the fuck is going on? He seems fine on that TV show he is on about selling shit. I know those aren't up to date but damn...
  12. Hahaha. If that guy with the orange Corolla picked up an xB it would look like this...
  13. I fell in love during a YouTube video...
  14. Official coroner's report on Michael P Jackson: death resulting from severe food poisoning due to eating 11 year-old weiners.
  15. Hmmm...Jeffro's fault. I don't look at dates. Bastard.
  16. I'm sorry....but http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4991_124013717673_623347673_3464074_6407607_n.jpg
  17. If I am ever famous I hope I die before I can fuck it up. Sad the news piece talks about his music career for 12 seconds before spending 3 minutes on his recent accusations and charges.
  18. My methodology is pop a red flag on each side and you can transport anything.
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