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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.


    That has to be a new smiley record. Haha Know what I'm sayin? Haha, of course you do. Ouch, record broken.
  2. PS. I vote Johnny Bravo because it is essentially voting for myself as we are siamese twins.
  3. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/EntertainmentGraph.jpg
  4. Agreed since size isn't an issue. So convenient and the wireless is sweet.
  5. Really? We are all surprised at this outcome completely. Oh, wait. 15 people predicted this from ONE picture. :nutkick:
  6. You have good tastes in quotes.
  7. Kevin R.

    Chris Brown

    repped BTW it is her...she had to cancel the Grammys or some shit her face was so fucked up
  8. Kevin R.


    They sell it at the DSCC (or whatever the fuck they call it these days) on East Broad as well. Everclear that is. I don't know about Yuengling.
  9. Kevin R.


    That is the part I love about having military friends. Didn't know they had the beer but Everclear is a plus.
  10. Jesus. Talk about having the opposite of ADD.
  11. Do you think Letterman knew? He seemed kinda pissed...
  12. What the fuck, lol. Awkward. Haha..damn..Dave was doggin' on him at the end.
  13. Kevin R.


    Ya I actually thought it was pretty lame until maybe half way through the bottle so I thought the same thing about the hype. But towards the end it was pretty damn good.
  14. Kevin R.


    Haha yes. Modern day Moonshine.
  15. Kevin R.


    Do it. Then when he gets mad just say "My bad, I'll pay you for it." Save you a trip.
  16. Kevin R.


    Finally got to try this shit everyone has raved about. Turns out my roommate had a paintball tourny in PA and brought some back and let me have one. Pretty fucking tasty indeed. Sending his ass back this weekend to get us some more. This is just my official "you guys were right" post.
  17. It was that snake they saw in the river spitting on her.
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