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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Nah...I heard about it from a lot of places.
  2. Looks like a riced out Ferrari....but I would rock the shit of it because it would be a fucking blast and a half to drive / kill myself in.
  3. That doesn't even make sense.....
  4. Sticky this and if someone posts something on the list....insta-ban.
  5. Fuck yes. See you in the club.
  6. That is fucking awesome. Everyone else is so fucking serious they barely crack a smile. Come on now.
  7. I was just thinking earlier today how much I wanted to see this video again. Thanks.
  8. Maybe he produces his own beer but someone already had "draft kg" so he got the next closest thing. So quick to judge....
  9. Kevin R.

    DOW below 7k

    ROFL at hearing this for the next 4 years (or 8)
  10. Kevin R.

    Free Sand

    I have always dreamed of pouring sand all over my room and putting tanning lights on the ceiling....hmm....
  11. Kevin R.

    workers comp

    He wasn't injured at work, so technically they can let you go for any reason I would imagine.
  12. Fuck off. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/cheesesandwich.jpg
  13. That is better than the food I eat in college most days.
  14. I. fucking. win. :ninja:
  15. That is a fucking lie man. I am in every thread watching you.
  16. In case you're confused.... http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/beanflicking.jpg
  17. I like to believe they are always flicking the bean whilst driving.
  18. It's a boat. Don't think you get the cover because that is at a naval base....
  19. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2279770.ece
  20. The Navy is trying to give this boat away but no one wants it due to the ridiculous upkeep and storage costs. A guy with a museum wanted it but realized it wouldn't be worth it because it has not been in a famous battle, thus no tourists flocking to it so he didn't take it.....
  21. Kevin R.

    organized sex!

    This made me LOL more than the joke.
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