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Otis Nice

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Otis Nice last won the day on November 6 2023

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About Otis Nice

  • Birthday 06/18/1983

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  1. I keep forgetting to update here with all our vehicles and builds. If interested you can follow more closely here: https://www.facebook.com/NelsonandSonsGarage I also started a YT channel. I have no aspirations of having a million subs or anything. It's more just to document what we've got going on. If interested you can follow along there too. If not no worries. https://www.youtube.com/@NelsonandSonsGarage
  2. Otis Nice

    Damn it.

    10/10. Would read again.
  3. Good to see some updates. Lookin' good.
  4. We drive our cars. They aren't trailer queens. ...mine also isn't worth buying a trailer for and TBH being over 19 feet long I don't even want to think about the cost of an enclosed trailer for it. lol
  5. No clue. If you join the Mid Ohio Jeep Organization FB group (and join the official group if you're so inclined to put $25 per year to charity) they post all their rides/events.
  6. Otis, I  posted a quip on the bd, on the rock crawling Jeeps. They were in the woods on Saturday. Did you find a schedule for them?

  7. First cruise of the year was last Saturday. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=dan.gilmore.14&set=a.10228467825297238
  8. Frame got rust preventer and an undercoating. It will be painted black.
  9. Use to ride at Wayne 1-2 times a month years ago. I need to get my quad back up and running.
  10. Been awhile but we made it through Thanksgiving, family vacay, Christmas and New Years, and a week of my brother being in the hosp, but my FiL helped dad weld the engine mounts and this evening dad and I test fitted the engine and trans. Now dad can drill the holes for the trans mount tomorrow and we can start making more progress hopefully. Still gonna be awhile before it's done but it's getting there.
  11. Saw a Mark VI locally on an old brick road that's orig to town back in the summer. Had to grab a pic.
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