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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. When I see someone begging, and in the rare occurance I have cash, i usually give it to them. I figure if they need to beg/con people they need it more than I do. Pay it forward. I've had friends and strangers alike help me more than once and I'm blessed in so many ways. Financially is not one of them, but I'm ok with that. If I have it, I give it.
  2. Otis Nice


    Also interested for my youth room. Have 4 trucks, two trailers, and a semi that's down for a pulling competition at my disposal. 1) Donate to me. 2) Tax write off. 3) I'll bring a cookie. 4) Profit.
  3. I like starting with a tooth brush to knock away any loose sediments and what not. From there just clean as appropriate. As said, theres so many variations it's hard to have 1 certain universal technique.
  4. Simple sledge hammer will do that rather quickly.
  5. Nice. I HATE my bro's XDsc, but he LVOES his and I will say he's had zero probs with it. Great pickup. Enjoy.
  6. Neither can bowling pins.
  7. Just means "2 weeks".
  8. http://www.ep.tc/problems/seven/thats_racist.gif
  9. Poker shoot. Cheapest targets ever.
  10. Hahahaha! Sad but true. LOL I'm happy though. To date I'm down to 296.4 lbs from 421.0 lbs. Lost 8 since monday. Down a bit from this pic but still a fatty. And remember, I need lovin' too.
  11. The vid? Did it work? Bauce.
  12. I have no clue what you're talking about... http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/294306_2451718410729_1185080640_33053092_2136175653_n.jpg [chrisfarley]Fat guy in a little vest![/chrisfarley] Yeah...I'm a big fat dork, but I'm ok with that because I'm a big fat dork with big fat guns. We clown. We have fun. We shoot things. Dunno if you guys will be able to see this vid a friend of mine took and posted on her FB a couple of years ago while shooting out at g-pas. Clicky and hope she doesn't have her FB on lock down.
  13. Talk to my cousin. Tell him to set us up a shoot at our grandpas or he's fired. The end.
  14. I'm excited. Still on my Giant Cypress, not up with the big boys yet. My poastor is a HUGE cyclist. Did 7K miles last year. Just stupid. LOL I'll be riding Pelotonia again this year. With my weight loss riding the 23 mile route last year was a big goal of mine and I crushed it. I'm ready to go further.
  15. 55gal with fish setup here. PM an offer if interested.
  16. Fair. I have a 9mm and unerstand.
  17. :lolguy: Ultimately your choice and I see you're leaning toward the different celiber but IMHO Bersa > Kel-Tec. I may make an offer on the Bersa.
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