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Everything posted by 1veryfastvr4

  1. we shoot the grill propane ones, unless they have some propane in them no kaboom.....
  2. something in my pants just moved a lil bit
  3. at moment i havent looked into powders and primers, however the place im buying the lead from has some in stock that they sell locally and not on their website, ill write down what you looking for and when i go to pick it up guy said im more than welcome to comb thro their stock if i want to buy other stuff, he said he wont mail that hazmat stuff so thats why im going to drive up and see what might be laying up there hoping to see some more hs7
  4. that has to be one sexy piece any pics?
  5. last bump prob gonna call tomm or monday first thing an make order, 3 weeks out at moment, fixed prices, and those prices are with out discount of 15% so knock that off of what i put in prior post for idea.....
  6. is it me or rates came down? they having a problem getting more members? i think it use to be in $1200 range for life membership
  7. i have light sabers in every room and the dogs are ninja trained
  8. depends on how much time you have and how much money you want to spend, also factor in how consistant you want your loads i know some ppl that love their progressive that have very consistant load and i know others that have very inconsistant loads... kinda guess it could be loader but who knows, i like my single stage sit down when bored and decap a ton of brass, then next night im bored i sit down and resize it all ( making sure i dont mix ) when i know ill be shooting ill sit down a hr or so a night and load as much as i can then shoot it up right now 9mm lead 125 gr is $45 per 1000, 40sw/10mm 180 gr61.50 per 1000 flat point and .45 $67.50 200 gr per 1000 semi wad cutters, .357 .38 158 gr semi wad per 1000 is 54.75 thats with out shipping tho but over 10k there is 15% discount , so do the math on 9mm and its $38 area per 1000 plus part of shipping, i just paid $8 per 100 at fin
  9. anyone looking to buy some reloading stuff? found a few places to buy some stuff in bulk and wasnt sure if anyone else would like in on some to save shipping and some cash off it we are buying some lead here directly and if order is over 10k bullets get 15% off bill so thought id thro it out there just incase if not its ok
  10. i was just at fin feather and fur and they have cases and cases of all kinds of ammo there was atleast 2 pallets of 9mm blazer 2 pallets if not 3 in 40sw one pallet of 45 i seen, pallet of 50 bmg, pallets of win 9mm, 7 cases of 5.7 pallet after pallet of shotgun 500 cases of 7.62 i saw on a sign...... as far as reloading there wasnt much of the common stuff, they did have 20 rcbs 40sw dies, at $42 anyways there was tons of stuff not sure on prices im not sure what its going for right not since we have been reloading
  11. none here, all the stores are wiped out, and if anyone does its 2x what it should be
  12. yea was reading on another forum prices went up, not that we will be buying much or shooting much just wanna go and check it out
  13. lol no ill see if they have room for you tho might be able to get some skiing lessons on way down :)
  14. anyone going by any chance? http://www.machinegunshoot.com/shootinfo.htm
  15. wow ive meet rick many times at his meets and out in public, i never thought id see this out of him..... i think gearhead if i recall said it might be right, maybe there are other issues and cr is spot to let them out.... hope rick atleast says sorry to lady about the c comment.....thta among other comments were not called for but its first to apologize in my book
  16. damn any one see this one http://www.getwwa.com/vehicle_details/3121/HUMMER/H2
  17. i looked at tons of them before i bought my house, same sond an dance as you said when i went to auction, either investers ( realtors) or bank s out bid everyone one that was a decent deal and not a condimed house..... i gave up and just bought one from a for sale by owner..... all the ones we looked at before hand most were unlocked and my dad asked the sherrif ( knows him) if there was anything wrong with looking in side these homes and he said go for it... not sure if he just said that causeh e knew us or if its all right to check them inside an out before hand...
  18. ill take it if you will bring it to me for 250 as described.... $250 need to sell I will bring it to you.. Text me 612.205.9757 Gun Case 2 14 Round Mags (full)
  19. 210k in dd and it hasnt hurt it yet knock on wood lol to ^^ newer cougar http://www.newcougar.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-118755.html
  20. ive also used it in beater, i always change oil soon afterwards if ran thro crankcase, also put it in gas tank as welll... i always seems to run better with no ill effects also run it in lawn mower every once in awhile to clean out carbon and it runs like a champ for a lil while them i dump more in i say if you use it alot or plan to buy the big gallon size its like 35 bucks but its easy to go thro the lil bottles at 7 bucks a time
  21. good deal on this... i seen a few at gun show for $495
  22. would you be willing to part with stock and rings seperately?
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