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Everything posted by 1veryfastvr4

  1. finally put some brown down, and a big fat one at that, go all week seeing minimal deer and tonight 8 does walk right up to me at 4:50 i keep waiting to see if a decent buck came around but nothing so i put her down, about 20 yds away quaterin away from me right thro the lung http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a152/1veryfastvr4/1206091717.jpg http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a152/1veryfastvr4/1206092203.jpg turned it over and never seen an exit wound lol checked her in and took it over to cosuins house to skin it for the night got to looking and after it was skinned and see exit wound thro rib cage but not on hide,,,,dug the slug out of the inside of the hide in a pocket of fat...... winchester 1oz slug....first time ive ever seen one not go in and out....
  2. the samba and woodsbuggy.com are ones i use for parts for the railbuggy, see vw bugs on those alot
  3. austin- no not mine, my cousins, i havent seen shit out yet
  4. there are tons of hot chicks around there its crazy, like fishing with dynomite.....all the ones we ever talked to didnt even stuck up, the guys got all pissy tho its fun to mess with them lol good times out there, the parasailing was badass also
  5. 350gr xtp 500 S&W http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a152/1veryfastvr4/IMG00097.jpg
  6. was out in Point Pleasant few times a yr ago, hanging out with some friends and went up to E-town to make a few passes on a t&t day and thats exactly how the jersey ppl act, we went out a few times to some clubs and its very intertaining to watch these guys dress and act like that, i always thought it was a joke until being out there
  7. went out today and nothing...... still same thing when i talk to few ppl noone else is seeing them, anyone see how many have been taken? i was wondering what that compared to last year and what they estimate for this year side note walmart in mtvernon finaly got in some 22lr
  8. all the girls look like drag queen dudes.....
  9. get you one of the umbrellas that hang on the tree lol
  10. i ended up not going out this today at all, kinda felt like sleeping in talked with quite a few ppl today at work and while out running some errands for work and everyone had the same thing happen as i stated...... a pic of the deer a buddy's friend shot out where i was sitting yesterday morning and decided not to go back out today lol figures http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a152/1veryfastvr4/downsized951201091430.jpg tommorrow is another day
  11. yea i was gonna post and ask if anyone seen any lol we didnt see shit, saw 3 deer all day where as last few years in same places we would see atleast 50 to 60 mostly does but if its brown its down , it was totaly weird... also noticed driving out to our spots not as many hunters out... any one else think that be the case? seemed like last yr and yr before there were hunters everywhere, drove out to coshocton hunted morning and then back to mt vernon and id say if i saw 20 orange vests in the woods id be lucky......its the only thing we could think of not as many ppl pushing deer around that and crappy weather good luck to anyone going out tomm morning
  12. where at in mt vernon? im going down to coshocton monday morning then rest of week is going to be here round outside of mt vernon 200 acres of deer hunting is nice i can hunt mornings and still make it to work on time cousin is going with the FTX in form of 500 s&w .......im wondering how it will play out
  13. if i get it right winning bidder is paying for all the actual R and D for this thing, they havent built one so they dont know what they are getting into far as time line to make such kit and then they will use all the molds and jigs for anything to make more off winners dime?
  14. got one tree rat this year, see 5 million while out deer hunting then go out later with shotgun to get the noisy lil fockers and never see one again.... its a pain in the ass lol verseif i had some land id take you out and give a few pointers but the 3 places i hunt wont allow me to bring anyone along, i see the point of it but sometimes id like to interduce new hunters into the game just to know one more person like s to do it, not alot of ppl out there seem to hunt anymore.... prob why deer bag limit is so high lol
  15. thought you said you paid 3k? buddy that owns a garage got stiffed while back on repair and filed for a title after car sat for 6 months at garage, tokk him another 3 months to get title after filing paper work... hopefully it goes smother for you Gearhead, that would suck to waite ..
  16. yea they are huge some of my nosler reloads http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a152/1veryfastvr4/bang/0621092159.jpg
  17. cousin owns one, reloads some hot loads for it and it kicks like hell, ill have to get some pics of gun and some rounds he loads for it
  18. anyone else see this? http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/cop-killer-gun-thought-ft-hood-shooting/story?id=9019521
  19. question is if she never told you? would you ........ isnt it pre judging her? no diff from some chick you might pick up at walmart that has been around the block......
  20. just left sporting good store to get a new rest for my bow and the owner and i got talking bout this, he said sales rep has one and guy says its accurate as hell, lil bit much for hunting but stealth mode you atleast have a chance of not being traced....
  21. any pics of your muzzleloader? might have a friend interested
  22. they could have shot the balloon down for alot less than a million dollars id have taken time out of my day to watch that.....
  23. as mentioned before did anyone else see them reloading?
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