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Everything posted by 1veryfastvr4

  1. is it me or would nt a person have to have a tree picked out already for such a thing? like he pre thought this out?
  2. i know, maybe this countries crime rate with theft and murder an so on would go down if it was an eye for an eye....... an the whole taking of a eye was put on tv for whole world to see, every state could get on it an have airing times set up to do their public "stonings " or what have you..... of course it would be passworded channel so kids couldnt see it unless their parents wanted them to... oh there wouldnt be any adds or comercials ran on this channel side note- hearin reports on news now guy actually killed the victims dog and stuffed it in tree also? wtf would think of to do that?
  3. why waite to do it in back of a van? once ruling comes in, bam convicted walks outside get into a ditch an let 10 ppl fling lead towards convicted..... have a channel on tv devoted to airing it 24 hrs a day so ppl know what happens to ppl who mess up other ppl lives
  4. there was rumor ppl were tryin to put together money for his bond, until they set it to no cash payments or something..... i say public hanging get it back to old school ways maybe the next person to think of this kind of morbid shit would think twice?...... is it me or he had to prethink this and know of a hollow tree to go stash the bodies in the dark? crazy
  5. he carried all 3 bags up a hollowed tree an dumped them doown into the tree...... yea crazy isnt the word
  6. 1veryfastvr4


    sorry didnt see this just posted another thread...... this is full of all kinda of craziness..... i live 5 mins from his house and my lil brother lives directly behind this guy...... didnt even know it was going on till to late guy was weird for sure, he never socialized or anything like most neighbors did there most will bs and drink few beers in evening but this guy excluded himself guess i get it now
  7. damn didnt see it thanks tho i was startin to wonder why no one had mention it guess i was just browsing thread topics and didnt see anything close to it in title
  8. http://www.mountvernonnews.com/
  9. havent seen it mention here yet? cant believe this stuff goes on, this is 5 mins from my house where they found the girl and 25 yards from my brothers house he owns which i was just over there the night b4 they busted into home to find girl.... creepy feeling Mount Vernon consumed by search for missing people (video) | coshoctontribune.com | Coshocton Tribune they found them tho, sucks it didnt come with a better outcome the family did get lil bit more closure on it than most ppl get now adays, prayers are with the family an really with the lil girl god knows this will be a rough road for her Bodies found in Ohio near where 3 missing lived | NewsFirst5.com | Colorado Springs | Pueblo |
  10. picked him up 2 mossbergs for 300 bucks 12ga one 28" accuchoke barrel an one 18" long barreled , not bad shape one is just missing the safety which isnt to bad 2 replaace
  11. not a bad deal ^, i went to pawn shop here id say every gun there was $200 over what id say was a deal, most guns were at store prices or more..... wtf?
  12. good idea new pawn shop here in town i been meanin to check out, on other hand a guy knows a coworker that needs some cash has 2 mossberg 500 for sale $350 for both one is has a broken safety but fires?
  13. i have one and like it, its small, its a good loaner gun for women to use when out shooting if they wanna shoot also, ive been carrying mine every now and again just cause of its size
  14. yea gonna check around this weekend, more looking for a single shot but i guess if a deal came around on a pump wouldnt be to bad...... been watchin swapgiant also
  15. looking for a cheap but working shotgun for a new hunter to use for a lil bit, could be a single shot perfer 12 ga but prob would take a 20 ga
  16. 1veryfastvr4


    if a rzr had a dump bed it be tits..... that looks like it would do some work around a farm or in the trails
  17. sweet, enjoy an be safe i load for bout 8 or so calibers..... its relaxing , gives you lil bit better accuracy an is cheaper than most factory ammo
  18. i hate leaving my stands up on land i own let alone public land... ppl steal anywhere an everywhere
  19. wow i cant believe ppl are that trusting
  20. you guys dont check out gunbroker or swapgiant?
  21. ever run into ppl hunting close to you on public land?
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