i have a home builtstand thats only12 ft off ground an see deer in it alot, guess depends on whats around i aways put it in some dense bushes or a low limbed tree
l like to cut up steaks or loins 3/4 '' thick and put smokey mesquite rub on them and freezer pack them..... put them on the grill or bake in oven for few minutes and hmm mmm good looks like something uncle Ted cooks on his show..... so juicy
lol i was just thinkin bout some deer steaks other night and looked in freezer and all out down to 3 pounds of burger and couple pounds of chunk meat i was gonna make some jerky with......
yea they are bad up here to i guess, years past never hearr to many ppl seeign them now everyone has them as a problem, i have noticed very lil deer movement this summer so im wonderin if the coyotes had something to do with that
anyone else looking forward to it?
got this pic other night off a camera
well i think it is under new ownership again? might be wrong havent been out there
was a guy named Jeremy running the staging lanes? he is usually cool but last time i seen him he said it wasnt the same as it use to be
must be gettin strick out here at pacemakers... i havent been out in a yr or so, they never use to get fired up for ppl goign fast with no cages....
they tech now? or still dont bother??
thanks for the real responses
been reading alot of reviews online and there is so many mixed feelings on some durability so thought id ask few of you i know from being around car scene an all so kinda trust your opinions over some dick weed sittin on his comp that mounted one to his airpistol
yea some of the good old members of that church are such hypocrites
one i know of is a registered sex offened and whack job of a car dealer here in town, and was use to be a drug dealer.... but they are all saved so it makes it ok